Planning Return to Running after Injury Need Input

emsnyc Posts: 16 Member
Hello. I just joined this group today although I have not run in a couple of weeks. When I return to running, I will be starting from scratch so I thought joining a couch to 5k group was appropriate. When I developed my bursitis in my knees (what the doc thinks it is), my last schedule was long run 10.8 mi, easy 2.34 mi, tempo 9.12mi and easy 2.60... the following week was a little longer, but not much as I was following Runner's World Smart Coach app... and only increased very gradually. I just started seriously running this year.

Though my doctor does not think it was due to over training, I am not so sure. I did my runs and on alternate days strength train and box. I have been advised by doctor and trainer not to box or do impact exercise. All I do is very isolated arm exercises.

Is anyone recovering from an injury? I realize there are a lot of other new runners that probably use this forum, but I was hoping for some input as to what you do when you are limited as to mobility. I am getting antsy, and worried about weight gain as well. I really miss running and will be thrilled to get back to it even just to start over... I know I can reach my goals again once I heal because I did it before. Just a little scared. But in the meanwhile, anyone experience this and what was it like for you? How did you cope with the instant reduction in calorie burn... I am having a hard time with diet.

Please add me if you wish. I am slowly adding MFPs. Thanks.