Just Chat



  • valdbuck
    I'm a little disheartened and mad at myself because I've gained 1.8 pounds since the beginning of the month. Now, I haven't been tracking my food on the site, but I was trying to track on paper and in my head. One of my problems is that I can't eat enough to make my daily calories. I'm either way under or waaay over. The good news is that I'm still 14 pounds down from where I started on January 3. Tonight, I will walk my 3 miles at try to start this again. Do you guys have any suggestions fro getting in my daily calories?
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I'm a little disheartened and mad at myself because I've gained 1.8 pounds since the beginning of the month. Now, I haven't been tracking my food on the site, but I was trying to track on paper and in my head. One of my problems is that I can't eat enough to make my daily calories. I'm either way under or waaay over. The good news is that I'm still 14 pounds down from where I started on January 3. Tonight, I will walk my 3 miles at try to start this again. Do you guys have any suggestions fro getting in my daily calories?

    If you can't eat them, try drinking them. Try looking for healthy, high calorie snacks as well. See if any of that helps. Good luck! :smile:
  • rnhoppe
    rnhoppe Posts: 111 Member
    Try to track on here..it really helps. I make sure to balance my pie chart (carbs,fat,protein) correctly everyday. I really think that helps...also take a look at other peoples food logs to get ideas. Mine is open if you want to friend me.
    I'm a little disheartened and mad at myself because I've gained 1.8 pounds since the beginning of the month. Now, I haven't been tracking my food on the site, but I was trying to track on paper and in my head. One of my problems is that I can't eat enough to make my daily calories. I'm either way under or waaay over. The good news is that I'm still 14 pounds down from where I started on January 3. Tonight, I will walk my 3 miles at try to start this again. Do you guys have any suggestions fro getting in my daily calories?
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Since this phase ends on December 1, I am looking forward to being 30 pounds down (if not more) for our "holiday photo." Every year, we send out a photo card with pictures of us (and our pugs and kitties) and I can't wait to look thinner (and happier) in that photo!! That alone will be a reward.
  • valdbuck
    I'm a little disheartened and mad at myself because I've gained 1.8 pounds since the beginning of the month. Now, I haven't been tracking my food on the site, but I was trying to track on paper and in my head. One of my problems is that I can't eat enough to make my daily calories. I'm either way under or waaay over. The good news is that I'm still 14 pounds down from where I started on January 3. Tonight, I will walk my 3 miles at try to start this again. Do you guys have any suggestions fro getting in my daily calories?

    If you can't eat them, try drinking them. Try looking for healthy, high calorie snacks as well. See if any of that helps. Good luck! :smile:

    Thanks! Sometimes, I would make a little smoothie in the mornings to change up my breakfast routine. I can make one to have with supper to finish out my daily calories. I just never thought about drinking the remainder of my calories. Thank you so much.
  • valdbuck
    Try to track on here..it really helps. I make sure to balance my pie chart (carbs,fat,protein) correctly everyday. I really think that helps...also take a look at other peoples food logs to get ideas. Mine is open if you want to friend me.
    I'm a little disheartened and mad at myself because I've gained 1.8 pounds since the beginning of the month. Now, I haven't been tracking my food on the site, but I was trying to track on paper and in my head. One of my problems is that I can't eat enough to make my daily calories. I'm either way under or waaay over. The good news is that I'm still 14 pounds down from where I started on January 3. Tonight, I will walk my 3 miles at try to start this again. Do you guys have any suggestions fro getting in my daily calories?

    Thanks. I will start using the food diary again. I always seem to go over my protein or carbs. I'm never right on point with all of them. Today is a new day. My goal is to track for five days in a row, with good food and exercise log entries. Thanks for the encouragement.
  • anewlife4me8610
    anewlife4me8610 Posts: 91 Member
    I am so glad I joined this challenge, I really am excited to see an entire year of progress right before my eyes...
  • anewlife4me8610
    anewlife4me8610 Posts: 91 Member
    Hey what do you all think of quarterly photos???? that might be a cool thing, like a before, and a like a 3 or 4 quarter photo upload????
  • rnhoppe
    rnhoppe Posts: 111 Member
    I think photos are a great idea...I took some before photos and can't wait to compare my afters!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    How is everyone? I'm doing pretty good, just had a tough couple of days controlling my binges. Still trying to continue on..I hope everyone is doing okay, it has been quiet.
  • stefwi2000
    stefwi2000 Posts: 42 Member
    I think posting before and after pictures will be fun. We can look back at what we use to look like when we were unhealthy and see the new us. :smile:

    I have a picture from my vegas trip before I started MFP.

    When and where will we post our pictures?
  • stefwi2000
    stefwi2000 Posts: 42 Member
    How is everyone? I'm doing pretty good, just had a tough couple of days controlling my binges. Still trying to continue on..I hope everyone is doing okay, it has been quiet.

    It has been hard for me this month. I have had some rough times over the weekend. I looked over my calorie intake and had to make some major changes.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    2 issues...
    1. having problems meeting my calories past few days just not hungry :S
    2. 0 weight change in a week... sat - sat, then suddenly lost 3.2 lbs since sat :S confused.com! think scales are liars! lol
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Hows everyone doing? It's too quiet lol
  • karedaly75
    karedaly75 Posts: 34 Member
    It has been a good week for me! I have lost a couple pounds. I am wondering if it has anything to do with me taking vitamins this week? Anyone want to comment on that? Is it possible vitamins have helped or did I just do better at the gym this week?

    My one workout buddy has kept me going, we are walking 2 days a week. My other two buddies have bailed out on me two weeks in a row on Wed, Thurs, and Fri. I am trying not to be mad at them, but it is getting old, since they are the ones that asked me to workout with them since they were paying for the gym membership.

    My dad is using MFP as well, he has been doing it since February and has lost 50lbs. My sister is doing TOPPS since June, she has lost 31 lbs. My mom is working on losing weight and she has lost about 30 lbs too. I am so happy that we are all losing weight together, but I wish I could get my mom and sister to join MFP so we could all support each other on here.

    Thanks everyone for posting comments, I really enjoy hearing what you all think.
  • shipshape55
    shipshape55 Posts: 47 Member
    I haven't had to struggle to stay on track, but I am losing all motivation. As you all know I lose super slow. 1 week it will be a pound which I love, but then I won't lose for a week or 2, then it will be ( .4 or .6 ) since august I have lost 8 lbs., don't get me wrong, Iam grateful but gosh darn it, I just want to pull my hair out. I can't even imagine what would happen if I didn't stay on track like I do. I won't be making my phase 1 goal of 18 lbs. I just want to lose steadily even if its a little slow, this is crazy
  • stefwi2000
    stefwi2000 Posts: 42 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I have been the same weight since October 1st. I just hit the wall and the weight is staying put. I decided to start working with my trainer on Monday October 22nd and stepped up my workout. I looked over my food diary and I can see more rice and carbs than I normally would eat. I am still looking forward to my Phase 1 goal, I have not given up and will never stop pushing. This is not a diet it is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE FOR THE BETTER.

    Keep it up my fellow MFP friends.