Unemployed, Just Moved, and Struggling - How do you deal?

Hi all,

With this economy, I am sure there are others of you in the same boat as I am.

I just graduated from grad school, and have spent the last month job-hunting. My boyfriend and I moved in with my parents because the commute to his job is easier at my parent's home than from his family's home, and we can't afford to make it on just his salary. Day after day, I am at home with the Jack Russell. I live in a very small town of less than 1000 people, so the only place I can walk to is the post office to pick up the mail. I can't afford to go out unless my family pays for me, and I do not have any friends in the area. I miss my ladies in California, but I'm in New Jersey now. My two close friends from high school live no shorter than two hours away from me.

It's rough being unemployed. My situation is particularly hard, because I'm still adjusting from a move across country, and I'm still dependent on my family. How do you handle the unemployed blues?

I'm asking because binging is very easy to do when you're at home all day!


  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    Good luck with the job search! We moved cross country last year and I stayed home with the kids but I've just started looking again. I find the whole job search stressful and am slowly getting over the urge to binge everytime I write a cover letter!

    Being home is super hard when dealing with binging. My advice (that I should follow more ...)
    1. eat regular meals. during the week I actually eat early because otherwise I snack in the hour before the proper meal time.

    2. always have cut up veggies to eat if you feel like snacking.

    3. Get out of the house. find something that gets you out of the house especially during your harder times of the day. I'm ok in the morning but afternoon is very hard for me at home.