Tall girls and visible weight loss



  • ihardy44
    ihardy44 Posts: 17 Member
    This is one of the greatest body image challenges for me. I've lost 10 pounds and no change in how my clothes fit, no compliments, NOTHING. Kinda frustrating when I see people lose the same amount of weight or a few pounds more and shed 2-3 dress sizes. But the blessing is that when I put the weight on, it does take a while before I actually change clothing size. I just like to feel comfortable in my clothes. I don't like that some of my clothes don't fit or feel really tight. Let's keep hanging in there tall ladies! We're bold, beautiful, and our presence is KNOWN! I love that I've found another group of ladies I can relate to :-)
  • longbird
    longbird Posts: 48 Member
    I actually didn't dress differently for while too, so that may have had something to do with it. Clothes went from too tight to too baggy, but noone really noticed that change, it was only when I got better fitting clothes....

    Same here. Even at my chubbiest I've always had skinny wrists and ankles, all the weight sat around my middle and I hid it quite well, so a lot of people didn't notice anything until they hugged me! Now though, I've splashed out on a whole heap of lovely new clothes that FIT PROPERLY (woo hoo!) and more folk are commenting :-)
  • I hear ya on the dressing differently part - I waited and wore my baggy clothes until I could absolutely not bear it anymore.
    Other than that, I'm 6' and started at 185. Close friends noticed I was "thinner in the face" at 10-15 pounds lost. Mom noticed right away. Casual friends noticed at 20-24 pounds lost. And that's also when my dad noticed ;)
    I think sometimes people may notice but don't say anything because they aren't sure if it's just the clothes and don't want to insult - they wait until it's totally apparent that you've lost weight and it's not a trick of the light or something.
  • LisaGod85
    LisaGod85 Posts: 47 Member
    I agree with the 25+ pounds. I started at 199 and no one really seemed to notice until I was around 165! I've lost 4 lbs this month and no noticeable difference.
  • naseak
    naseak Posts: 98 Member
    When I first start on MFP I found it discouraging to read peoples succsess stories and it was I lost 10lbs and 3 sizes and for me no one noticed till I lost at least 30,and i could still wear my old cloths(althought hey weren't tight any more) I had lost 40 but gained back 8. The flip side is no one noticed that I gained.
  • rolliepollie087
    rolliepollie087 Posts: 251 Member
    On the upside of that, people generally don't notice you've gained until about 20 lbsish ;)
    For me, I couldn't really tell ya. My husband claims to see a 5 lb difference, but he might be extra nice. My family noticed a big difference but it was because there was big weight loss!
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    I started at 148 (I'm 5' 9.5"). I lost 22 pounds and passed my goal weight months ago and to this day, no one has noticed! I can tell the difference, though - and it feels great!
  • xandra
    xandra Posts: 101 Member
  • xandra
    xandra Posts: 101 Member
    Same here. I'm 6' and started at 302 lbs. I think that it was at about 50 lbs lost that people really started to notice. Except for my husband, because he saw me every day and could tell subtle differences. Now, at 75 lbs down, people really notice.

    I'm 6' also. I started at about the same weight. I can''t wait to get where u r. U rock :flowerforyou:
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    From when I started on MFP it took about 10-15lbs before people noticed that I was losing weight. Now I haven't really lost weight in a few months but every few days someone is telling me that I look slimmer....so something must still be changing even if the scale wont budge.
  • sharkweek
    sharkweek Posts: 165 Member
    I'm 5'10", and it took about 25 pounds after I started for people to notice. I was actually getting bummed no one had seen a difference, and then one week, about five people commented on it. :)
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    5'9" - I lost 20 lb and no one saw the difference... until I bought new clothes that really fit instead of trying to belt it in! I agree with another poster too who said no one really noticed when I had gained but that is a blessing/curse because I didn't notice is so much either!
  • tracywaz
    tracywaz Posts: 53 Member
    I do a boot camp program and have dropped about 14 lbs and have definitely firmed up. I can totally tell, as can my husband (cuz he's seen me naked). I was kind of bummed when I went to a family event and no one commented or seemed to notice. Maybe it's just my ego.
  • I have set mini goals so my ticker will change once I hit my mini goals. I think it makes it easier to stay accountable and more encouraging.

    I have been working my *kitten* off so I am hoping to see a few pounds off the scale this weekend when I weigh in. My goal is to get down to 199 by the end of April.
  • I am 207 right now and 199 is my goal!!!! how did you get there in 2 months!!! I am so frustrated.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I'm 5'9, started at 195. People started noticing at about 183 pounds, but that is also when I had to buy new pants because my old ones were falling off - belt or no belt. Also we are going through a weight loss challenge at work, and I think everyone is watching everyone else very closely for weight loss right now.
  • wrinkledsheets
    wrinkledsheets Posts: 5 Member
    5'10. started at 228. People started noticing around 35 lbs. Was discussing weight loss with someone who had just dropped a bunch of weight herself. I was asking her about how she was doing it, and when I mentioned I had just lost almost 40 myself, she said "really?!"

    I think it's proof that people who know me focus on face and eyes. At least, I'd like to believe that.
  • silverlining84
    silverlining84 Posts: 330 Member
    People didn't start noticing I lost weight until I hit around 20lbs lost. I've only gone down 2 clothing sizes after losing 25 pounds. People seem stunned when I tell them i've lost 25 pounds because they always make comments such as "where did you even have 25 lbs to lose"
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Well done for your weight loss that's great!!!

    I'm the opposite, as soon as I loose anything, everyone says - You loosing weight???

    I feel like when I put on a couple of lbs, I really notice it too
  • kbbeale
    kbbeale Posts: 77 Member
    This is one of the greatest body image challenges for me. I've lost 10 pounds and no change in how my clothes fit, no compliments, NOTHING. Kinda frustrating when I see people lose the same amount of weight or a few pounds more and shed 2-3 dress sizes. But the blessing is that when I put the weight on, it does take a while before I actually change clothing size. I just like to feel comfortable in my clothes. I don't like that some of my clothes don't fit or feel really tight. Let's keep hanging in there tall ladies! We're bold, beautiful, and our presence is KNOWN! I love that I've found another group of ladies I can relate to :-)

    I could have written his post myself. It IS incredibly frustrating to bust your rump to lose, clothes fit the same and no one notices. :( Ive boycotted the scale so I have a fair idea of how much I need to lose, but I don't know how much Ive lost at this point. I feel a lot better since Ive made that decision.