Struggling with Insanity



  • Sules02
    Sules02 Posts: 19 Member
    Who says you can't still go outside and do the things you love?
    I am going to start the recovery week tomorrow, but today I am going out to run again. I started this because the desert was too hot to enjoy when I had the time to exercise. I know this DVD works as I ran almost 2 hours yesterday and only stopped twice to let mnt bikers get by me on the trail. I think we all need to stop the scale madness and realize that this program does make you fit. I have only lost 3 lbs but that was only in the 3rd week and I was not only doing the divd but hiking a couple hours during the day and partner dancing for about 3 hours solid at night. I see the muscles and the strength coming on and the fact that I ran a very hilly trail last night for almost 2 hours solid makes me a believer. I am doing this workout so I have more endurance and strength and I know the smaller jeans will come. I did however, fit into a size 6 at the store so there was another indicator that it works. Just keep pushing play, if its boring yell at the people on the video as suggested but DO NOT QUIT! Don't use boredom as another excuse to stop something that is good for you. It's an hour of your day! YOU ALL CAN DO IT> I CAN DO IT! and if I want to go outside and enjoy the beautiful Fall weather, I will. Don't stop enjoying your outdoor pursuits because you worked out to a video inside....Get outside and ENJOY too!
  • Yosemite4vr
    Yosemite4vr Posts: 84 Member
    YES! I just finished on Sunday and I had the same thing happen. I lost about two pounds but after I stopped, I started loosing more, once a took a little break. Insanity, I've realized is not for me, but at least I finished it! I'll be posting before and after photos soon. I did get results, just not the ones I wanted.

    I'm trying something new now - something that I enjoy more :) good luck finishing and then finding what you love after!!

    And don't quit! Finish it off!
  • jenjones28
    jenjones28 Posts: 66 Member
    Who says you can't still go outside and do the things you love?
    Because I don't have the 2-3, or even 4 hours a day to spare. Insanity takes almost all the workout time I have since it takes almost an hour a day most days, and it's six days a week.