HATE Lunges need alternative

Okay, I have knee issues. I am surprised I can do 70 lb squats and 60 deadlifts. I am in Stage 1 going on my 3rd week. I refuse to go any higher in weight with the lunges because it feels like my knee is going to be compromised. Any opinion on not going down as deep on lunges? Out of all exercises, I hate lunges the most. Feedback please. I did do 15 reps with 10lb dumbells on the 1st set but only did 8 the second. Can you still reap the benefit of working out your quads if you don't go as deep? All suggestions are welcome. Thank you in advance. FYI I am 53, 150 and 5'4".


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    it's probably best to strengthen the knee than to completely rule out exercises. of course i dont know what your knee issues are but i have muscular shoulder problems and when i first started NRoL4w it would have been easy for me to just skip the push ups and bench press because of my shoulder problems BUT the pain i'd get n those exercises were more a sign of imbalances in the muscle that i needed to correct rather than just giving up on the exercises.

    not sure if you understand what i mean, but it's basically like avoiding a problem rather than working to fix it.

    of course if your problem is more about joint or cartilege issues then ignore me.

    also if i'm not mistaken, lunges are a lot like squats in that the deeper you go, the less stress you put on your knee joint
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 574 Member
    I just wanted to commiserate. I HATE lunges, too, for no other reason than they're stinking hard for me.
  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    I'm sure you probably know this but make sure when you lunge that your knee is not going out past your ankle. That might help alleviate some of the pressure.

    It might be beneficial for you to talk to an experienced trainer. I have intermittent knee pain and my trainer suggested that it was caused by my IT band (which my chiro later confirmed). So he started stretching my hips with me and it helped tremendously with the knee pain.

    I also hate lunges but its about the only glute exercise that I can actually feel the burn the day after, which I love!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I think you need to get a definitive diagnosis from an orthopedic specialist before you make any big decisions.

    I have severe patellar misalignment in both knees -- one has been fixed with an osteotomy, lateral release and VMO advance, and one needs to be. I also have Grade 4 Chondromalacia in both knees.

    I use Don Joy Tru-Pull Lite knee braces to prevent patellar dislocation in my unfixed knee, and to provide stability and compression to my fixed knee. The screws in the front of my tibia feel better when I run if I have some compression to protect them from the vibration and concussion.

    Even though I have really, really poor conformation and damage to my knees, I don't notice that any of the NROL things including lunges or step-ups makes them worse. The only issue that I have noticed is during planks, of all things, because keeping my quad contracted grinds the back of my patella into my femur and is painful. I don't imagine it causes more damage, though.

    Most orthopedic surgeons recommend strengthening your quad muscles to decrease knee issues, especially instability issues. I would say that you should do the lunges carefully with great attention to form, and cautiously increase your weights within the limits of perfect form.
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Thank you guys all for your responses. I will continue to post my progress and continue to do my best with the lunges. The pain is not unbearable and not all the time. But I do hate lunges. But you are right, they do work those glutes.
  • I too have intermittant knee pain and I hated lunges BUT my physio recommended turning the foot you are lunging onto inwards every so slightly which seems to correct the alignment over my toe. Works a treat for me, no more issues with lunges!