Looking to change things up

michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
I've been hovering about the same weight for 9 weeks now. There were 3 weeks (2 weeks at one point and 1 week a while later) where I deliberately ate at/around TDEE to prepare for races I was running, and I also travel quite a bit and have become a little more complacent in eating more...

See, I got a Fitbit... and it tells me that I burn about 2200-2300 calories/day on days I don't work out. So I figure if I net 1700 and add my exercise calories to that I should be losing just fine. But really I've been too inconsistent to lose anything significant. I weighed earlier this week what I weighed on July 9th :(

So... I'm looking to change up how I do stuff. Originally I was losing well eating net 1660 when I started - that was my supposed MFP goal to lose 1/2 pound per week with sedentary lifestyle and I added all my workouts and ate those calories. I lost 8.5 lbs in the first 5 weeks here. Then I threw off my schedule with races and travel. Anyway... now I've set my goal to 1600 net each day... which works out to eating about 2000 calories daily on average but it fluctuates with my workout days. So I eat anywhere from 1600-2500 daily depending on the day.

I am NOT lifting yet (specifically) though I do various exercises - boot camp, Insanity videos, hill sprint workouts, cycling (hills too) and, of course, running (which, if you know me, you know I'm a bit of a fanatic). I want to start a lifting routine but really don't know where to start and I want to be able to do it at home. I don't have a gym membership and don't want one. I do, however, have a great home gym with space, mirrors, a bench, dumb bells and (gasp! I know...) a smith machine. I have to make do with what I have.

So, a few questions:

1) If you eat a % cut, how do you feel about eating the same every day regardless of your workout schedule? I'm thinking of setting my goal to 2000 calories daily and sticking to it no matter what my workout is.

2) Any ideas for good/easy lifting routines I can do in my basement? Is there any program that uses a DVD to show technique and a full routine? Anyone know? I'm guessing I'd like to do total body twice a week... but I'd be okay with split as long as they were short. I do cardio/running for my own sanity/enjoyment/peace of mind... so I'm not giving that up and only have so much time.

Any thoughts, suggestions, encouragement? Ideas?

Age: 37
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 165 lbs (today)
Workouts: Primarily running 3-4 times/week with 1-2 cross-training sessions weekly (~ 2500-3000 cals burned/week)



  • trkinsley
    trkinsley Posts: 124 Member
    It sounds like Chalean Extreme would be a good program for you. It's all on DVDs, exercises are explained, and the weightlifting portion is only 3 days/week. There is a link on the eatmore2weighless website.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Cathe Friedrich - Muscle Max is an awesome weight lifting video. You can do full body, upper body and lower body pre-mixes.
  • trishadams
    trishadams Posts: 104 Member
    1) If you eat a % cut, how do you feel about eating the same every day regardless of your workout schedule? I'm thinking of setting my goal to 2000 calories daily and sticking to it no matter what my workout is.

    I think it is up to you. I tend to eat the same cals across the board, workout or not. But, currently I am trying out zig zagging my intake, eating a little more cals on heavy training days and less on light cardio/rest days. I think both would work.

    Also, I second Cathe's muscle max. Great wo with lots of premix options. Sounds like you have a nice set up at home.:wink:
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Thanks all! I have just ordered Cathe's Muscle Max :)

    I think maybe I will do the 2000/day and see where that takes me.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    1) If you eat a % cut, how do you feel about eating the same every day regardless of your workout schedule? I'm thinking of setting my goal to 2000 calories daily and sticking to it no matter what my workout is.

    When I first started EM2WL I used the netting over BMR method, eating back my exercise calories and making sure I netted over 1500 each day. The downside however was that on rest days (when I tend to be hungrier for some reason) my calories burns were lower so I was eating much less than on workout days. I then had a week's diet break at the start of August and after that I started eating at TDEE -15% which for me works out at around 2300. I feel that this way I don't have to suffer with eating much less on my rest days.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    A bit of an update...

    I ordered Cathe Freidrich's Muscle Max DVD and get to go pick it up tonight... but in the last week I have done a weight workout 3 times (Insanity Upper Body Weights - some kind of bonus workout with my Insanity set) and have paid closer attention to my protein intake... the scale is back to moving in the right direction and I'm feeling lean! I didn't change my caloric intake though... I aimed for net 1600 but am sitting closer to net 1500 for the week.

    I'm down about 4 lbs in the last week though WI day isn't until Monday. Small changes...

    I'm going to get rid of my Fitbit though... I think it's just been giving me license to eat until I get close to that burn number... so all I end up doing is maintaining.
  • runningfromzombies
    1) If you eat a % cut, how do you feel about eating the same every day regardless of your workout schedule? I'm thinking of setting my goal to 2000 calories daily and sticking to it no matter what my workout is.


    Any thoughts, suggestions, encouragement? Ideas?

    Age: 37
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 165 lbs (today)
    Workouts: Primarily running 3-4 times/week with 1-2 cross-training sessions weekly (~ 2500-3000 cals burned/week)


    Our stats are super similar! I'm 5'8" and currently ~165 lbs (but your biceps are SO MUCH MORE AWESOME THAN MINE. :love: And of course you're 16 years older than me...Jealous!).

    I eat a 15% cut. Every day. Regardless of workout schedule. The only days I eat differently are Thursday and Sunday--because Thursday is weights AND a run, and Sunday is my long run (I'm training for a half-marathon). On those days I make sure to at least net my BMR (I get my calories burned from my heart rate monitor). Honestly, I love it this way. By the time I staggered into EM2WL the daily numbers game of calories burned and net calories and everything was driving me up the wall. I much prefer to have a set number. But then, I've only been at this for two weeks, so take my advice with a grain of salt. :laugh: