


  • sophieaky
    sophieaky Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm Sophia I had a baby in February and gained like 60pounds I'm down 30 and am struggling to loose these last 30 pounds currently I'm at 188 trying to get to 160 for 25271589.png
    Created by - Free Weight Loss ToolsChristmas
  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    My name is Autumn and I am a 32 year-old teacher, mother, and wife. I began my journey in February and have lost 36 pounds so far. I recently completed Jillian Michael's Body Revolution and need something to keep me motivated. I am more interested in toning up than losing pounds at this point.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Hi, I'm Kasi. I need to lose about 30lbs to be in a healthy weight range. I love challenges...especially ones that make me try new things. I need this sort of group to help hold me accountable and stay motivated. Thanks for starting this group... this will be very helpful through the holidays:wink:
  • Hi all.

    My name is Sarah and I'm 47. My motivation for losing weight is the fact I need to improve my fitness and ease the pressure on my arthritic knees.

    I have started this journey with 40lb to lose... I have already lost 2lb of this and hope by Christmas to have lost a further 15lb.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend :happy:
  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Jessica and I'm 23 years old! My goal is to be under 300lbs by my birthday (December 23rd! :D) So my only set number is at 299, but anything below that makes me happy too since it's under 300! The highest weight I've ever been at has been 371lbs (2009) and my lowest was 317.2 (2011). I've added strength training to my workout routine so I'm hoping I'll get even better results with that as well! :)
  • michay
    michay Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Michaela and I'm 25 years old. I work 2 jobs (one overnight), go to grad school full-time plus have an internship. I worked out well this summer when I wasn't so busy, but since school started a few weeks ago I've fallen off the wagon and have had many cheat days and not so much exercise. My goal is to hit 130lbs but I'd rather just feel better about myself. I'm currently on week 6 of the C25K program and am trying to incorporate yoga 3 mornings a week when I get off work. I like the weigh-ins on Mondays and hopefully this challenge will help me stay on track!! Don't be afraid to friend me! :)
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 365 Member
    Hello all:)
    My name is Genene and I am 28 years old turning 29 this yer in the 23rd of December so this will be an excellent motivating group to get these pounds off for my 29th year!!!!

    I am ready:) nice to meet you all!
  • vickiandrews
    vickiandrews Posts: 254 Member
    Hi, my name is Vicki, I’m 36 and would like to loose 8lbs by Christmas. This probably sounds a bit of a strange number to some but I’ve lost 17lbs since January and this would take me to a nice round 12 stone. Mind you my “ticker” will keep changing as I try to change my goal by 5lbs at a time that way I feel as though I’ve heading towards realistic goals rather than starting the year with “I am going to loose 2 stone this year”.

    This is definitely a first for me. Never really took any sort of challenge to help with weight loss except for childish sibling rivalry. Any support will be welcome!
  • pinkspanglystar
    pinkspanglystar Posts: 35 Member
    Hey :)

    My main reason for joining is to get me focused on loosing weight for christmas!! I did have a trip planned to NZ this coming November but due to having to move house it had been moved to next year and my motivation went with it I think!! SO now I want to re-focus and get fit for christmas as my next holiday is Egypt in April but that seems too far away to stress about yet :)
  • jonnybowers420
    jonnybowers420 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everone, fairly new to MFP. First group joined and looking forward to the challege. I want to loose the beer belly and my target is to loose 21 lbs by christmas.

    Just to echo eveyone else's thoughts not sure how I will cope without my early morning coffee fix but I'll give it a go!
  • calewis23
    calewis23 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello all! My name is Carrie. I used MFP last year and I lost close to 20 pounds, but then I moved to a new city and started a job in consulting. The job requires a lot of late hours and traveling, so it's been really difficult to keep up with weight loss. It's also been really difficult for me due to a binge eating disorder. I'm really excited to join this group/challenge. I hope to lose 15 pounds (maybe even more?!) between now and Christmas and I think that this group will keep me motivated and challenged. Looking forward to the challenges ahead and talking more with all of you! :)
  • Hello everyone! My name is Claudia and I am 45 years old.This is my first day at MFP.

    I am Brazilian, and since summer is comming I am planning to get back in shape. I had an injury this first semester that kept me from trainning. Fortunately I am ok now and ready to lose the 17 pounds that doesn't belong to my body!

    It was great to find this group and I hope it will help me keep motivated till Christmas.

    See you!
  • Dhellia
    Dhellia Posts: 84 Member
    Hello everyone,
    My name is Nicole. I'm 24 years old and I loose weight sooo slowly! My goal is to get into the 'healthy' BMI category which means I have to loose about 35lbs. My goal for the group is to loose 10lbs. I look forward to seeing the scale move down during these next couple months!
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    Hi everyone! Super excited for this challenge... My name is Natalie and I am just back on my feet after my 4th knee surgery in April and I'm running a 5K in 3 weeks (me - running! yikes)... I have already lost 15 lbs since August 2nd and I am hoping to lost another 30 by xmas... this life style change has been amazing and I can only hope to keep it up!
  • Hi All! I just got back from vacation and when I stepped on the scale I gained another 5 lbs! That's 20lbs gained in the past year, time to go back the other way.

    I went back to a desk job after chasing my kids around for 2 years and sitting is killing me. I need to focus on excercise and eating healthy. I'm hoping to loose the 20 lbs by Christmas and then the additional 20 of baby fat I wanted to shed!
  • Hello All, I am 20 years old and a full time student. My goal is to loose at least 15 to 20 lbs by xmas. I am looking forward to this challenge. I would like to be in the healther BMI range which means I need to loose a total of 50 lbs.
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am 30 years old with a busy full time job. Last year when I joined I lost 21lbs only to be ill for about 4 months and put 16lbs back on. I have now lost 15 more lbs this year so far but am looking to really amp up the weight loss between now and the end of the year. I am also currently training to complete a tough mudder in May 2013. More importantly I want to feel healthy again, and am trying to lose this weight a healthier way with lifestyle changes than my drastic attempts of the past.
  • Hey...

    I am aiming to be at My Goal of 199 by Christmas Morning...

    That's 2 Pounds a Week...

    Not impossible...

    Just gotta be disciplined...
  • KathyMarie1970
    KathyMarie1970 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Kathy and I've been on MFP since January. I've lost 40 lbs so far and hoping to loose 80 more. My problem is that after my vacation this summer at the beginning of August, I just can't get motivated again. I'm really struggling. I haven't gained any weight back, which I consider a success. But I'm looking forward to his challenge to motivate me. I hope to loose 25 pounds by Christmas - what a gift that will be :happy:
  • sandygaylegunn
    sandygaylegunn Posts: 87 Member
    Hola! :flowerforyou: MyGoals: (1) 15+ pounds in 15 weeks. (2) Continue my one-hour bike and 2x week strength training at the gym. (3) I am making an effort to not be so sedentary during the 23 hours I am not at the gym.