I challenge you.

That's right, you! I challenge you to start heavy lifting. Why? Because it feels amazing and as we know muscle burns fat. Sure it's an even longer road than just a reset and some walking to lose weight- but let's be realistic: If your end goal is a long healthy happy life, then building muscle is going to get you there.

It's easy to get started and you don't need a fancy gym and you don't need fancy expensive clothes. Let's face it, we've got some extra weight on us so we're at an advantage - we have a free set of dumbbells on us. ;)

I challenge you to start adding some lifting to your routine every day. It could be as simple as 50 squats and 10 pushups per day, to a full on weight lifting routine using some borrowed free-weights or even some gallon milk jugs filled with water.


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    lol I'm in!

    See I've never really felt the need to lift weights since I was very young... For whatever reason, my years of martial arts training following military training has kept me with a good amount of muscle on my body. However... I'm now no longer seeing benefits to my training so the only changes I can make are a) eat less (don't wanna unless I have to!), b) eat cleaner (yeah... don't really wanna - I like wine and cheese too much), or c) lift weights to shape my body better.

    So lifting it is! :D If I have to I'll tackle cleaner eating down the road :grumble:

    But I've always said I don't care what size I am as long as it doesn't jiggle.
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    That's key! No squishy/jigglies.

    I think everyone should jump in regardless of their present conditioning level or fitness level. I started at 100% sedentary (barely moving all day) 5 months ago, to now doing 10k runs for fun.

    There's something about an endorphin rush that makes you want more. Trust me, if you can do it a week straight you'll never turn back.
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    Not to mention that it now takes fewer trips to carry in all those bags of groceries ;)

    I have a hard time with the title of this, my competitive spirit makes me want to go into beast mode. I should just go to bed already (and build some muscle in my sleep).
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    My beast mode is raging hardcore this week. Join us...
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Not to mention that it now takes fewer trips to carry in all those bags of groceries ;)

    2+ trips are for sissies! :laugh:
  • yecatsml
    yecatsml Posts: 180 Member
    Not to mention that it now takes fewer trips to carry in all those bags of groceries ;)

    I have a hard time with the title of this, my competitive spirit makes me want to go into beast mode. I should just go to bed already (and build some muscle in my sleep).

    I have the same competitive spirit! I loooove lifting and when finances allow in the next few months I plan on re-joining my gym and hitting the weights HARD and HEAVY!!!! Right now I'm working on prep - loosing BF and doing what I can at home with what I have.

    I can't wait!
  • riouxt
    riouxt Posts: 104 Member
    You know I'm in, buddy!!! Lifting weights again has brought renewed fun and a sense
    of accomplishment that I haven't felt in a while. :) Let's burn the fat!!
  • Im IN!!!!!!! I dont know why it took me so long to start lifting. I think I had the "girls get bulky" syndrome. But thank god Im cured and I love to lift!!!
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Already in!!
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I.am so.IN!!!! :bigsmile:


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I.am so.IN!!!! :bigsmile:



    Kiki, you are lifting?????
    I always thought you are just loving hard core cardio...:smokin:
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I'm already in. I bought weights and a bench for my home so I have no excuses.
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I've started.

    I'm not using the barbie weights, but I'm only at 15-20 on the hand weights, so hardly heavy, but it is only week 2 and I started with ten.

    Hoping to be able to use the big bar in a week or two.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Already in! And I'm loving it!!!!
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    My back is SOOOO DOMing today. Those deadlifts are probably the most addicting thing I've ever done. I want to do them constantly.

    Tonight is legs. I am definitely noticing fatigue already which is great, it means I am pushing myself harder than I have before.
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I.am so.IN!!!! :bigsmile:



    Kiki, you are lifting?????
    I always thought you are just loving hard core cardio...:smokin:

    Kiki + cardio = :sad: :mad: :angry: :grumble: :noway: :sick:

    :laugh: :laugh: