Getting ready for PT Test

Hey, all!

My name is Erin. I'm a reservist, a major in Public Affairs. I'm with the 916th ARW at Seymour Johnson, but live in Raleigh, NC. I have my PT Test near the end of October and need some motivation and support to get ready. I'm tracking on my phone and working out. (It doesn't help that I leave on Saturday for a week at the beach!)

Anyway ... anyone else in this group preparing to be Fit to Fight?


  • Texa884041
    Texa884041 Posts: 10 Member
    Nice to see someone else in my situation! I have my PT at the beginning of October, three and half weeks to go. I just got back from the beach 2 weeks ago, which kind of set me back a little bit. Ready to get this out of the way!
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    I took my PT test back in April, so I am good to go for another year. For the month leading up to my PT test, I alternated days where I did situps and pushups, but I was less concerned about those as I was for the run because I am not a very fast runner. I did a lot of speed work intervals leading up to my PT test, and I think that really helped a lot. I was able to cut off a minute on my time!
  • dhoddy
    I just scheduled mine for the 11th of October. While I think I'll be good enough to pass the minimum standards, I've got much higher expectations for myself this time around. My run has been improving since learning how to pace myself. I practice one a standard track used for testing, and just time each 100 meter. I started off doing 100 meters of a pace I would like, then 200 meters at a much slower pace. Then I worked down to 100 meters ideal pace and 100 meters slightly slower. I have a long way to go before it's 100 points worther..but it's helping me getting the time down for a 90+ score!

    I also set a timer in my office to go off every hour/half hour, at which time I drop down and do 10-20 perfect push-ups.

    Good luck!
  • booth1984
    I got mine in December. My training is slow do to having my appendix removed 3 weeks ago. Went out for a run today. 2 miles in 26 mins. Had to walk a few times and worked some sprints in there as well. Was told about this app/web page yesterday! Very happy with it so far :smile:
  • CDG1013
    CDG1013 Posts: 106 Member
    I will have mine this month, but will be waist only since I've been on profile for back & joint problems. I am not worried since my waist is 32" right now. I will have to re-test in April and will be taking the full test. I've been able to work out while on profile (just not at high intensity), so as long as I am able to increase training over the winter I will be fine. Good luck to all of you getting ready to test!
  • olearypf
    olearypf Posts: 1 Member
    I just took my PT test and scored a 95. I'm a 47 year old SMSgt and have been working hard since January to lose weight and fix myself. I got in with the HPARK on Hickam and they worked with me on both diet and exercise. I run 3 days a week and go to the gym 2 days a week. Since starting this, I have gone from a PT failure in March '12 to maxing my pushups, 2 short of max for crunches, slimming down 2.5" on my waist, and doing my run in 10:34 after not being able to run for 3 weeks. The key to success so far has been to keep up with the program, even on those days when it is tough to get out of bed.