Stage I Starts Today - Do Both A and B?

I know you're not supposed to. But I'm just coming off a week of recovery after completing P90X, and I'm so pumped! I'm looking at the workouts, getting familiar with Stage I, and I don't see why I couldn't do both A and B during Stage I?

As the workouts get harder, maybe not so much. But...has anyone done this? It just doesn't seem...I mean, it's going to be hard. Because I've never lifted using my husband weight bench and bars and stuff before. I'm all for go heavy or go home. But...I still think I could do A and B during Stage I, but then again, I don't want to go crazy and overstress my body.



  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    No, only do workout A.

    Workout with heavy enough weights that at the end of the workout, you couldn't lift another weight ;)
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    ^ WSS

    The whole point of lifting is to push to exhaustion within the limits that are set - i.e workout a. If you are able to do B as well you aren't working hard enough at A.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Okay...I'm just so excited and used to hour-long workouts with P90X. But I will push it to the max!
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    You'll have your 90 minute workouts back in later stages. Enjoy spending a little less time at the gym in Stage 1.
    If you're still really amped after lifting, get on your bike or go for a run or something!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    You'll have your 90 minute workouts back in later stages. Enjoy spending a little less time at the gym in Stage 1.
    If you're still really amped after lifting, get on your bike or go for a run or something!

    Good idea. If I really feel like it, I'll round out the hour on my elliptical. :)
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    You'll have your 90 minute workouts back in later stages. Enjoy spending a little less time at the gym in Stage 1.
    If you're still really amped after lifting, get on your bike or go for a run or something!

    Good idea. If I really feel like it, I'll round out the hour on my elliptical. :)

    As others have said, if you have the energy to "round out the hour," you did not go hard enough during your workout. I came from doing an intense 1 hour high endurance strength training program to doing NROL4W. I thought it would be "too easy," but it's as easy as you make it. Challenge yourself and that half hour should WEAR YOU OUT!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    You'll have your 90 minute workouts back in later stages. Enjoy spending a little less time at the gym in Stage 1.
    If you're still really amped after lifting, get on your bike or go for a run or something!

    Good idea. If I really feel like it, I'll round out the hour on my elliptical. :)

    As others have said, if you have the energy to "round out the hour," you did not go hard enough during your workout. I came from doing an intense 1 hour high endurance strength training program to doing NROL4W. I thought it would be "too easy," but it's as easy as you make it. Challenge yourself and that half hour should WEAR YOU OUT!

    That's what I'm hoping for!!! I will certainly do what I can to exhaust myself! LOL
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    I'm in Starting Stage A perfect time for me... We're looking for a new gym... Level One Stage A
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    So, I only did workout A, and I'm glad I did, though I'll be adding weight next time. I was a little nervous, never having really even played with real weights before. LOL. But I did well, I think.

    So excited! I did 45 lbs on the squats - will do more next time. Only 15 lb dumbbells on the weighted steps - more next time. 35 lbs on the bent-over row...maybe 5lbs more on each side next time. So exciting! I LOVED it! And it's true- you really can do more than you think.

    I did the bonus at the end and knocked out quite a bit more!

    You really can do more than you think!!!