
Hey all! I'm starting week 3 tomorrow, and I am having a hard time controlling my breathing. I feel like if I could get that down, then this would be much easier for me!

Any tips?


  • jessc4343
    jessc4343 Posts: 214 Member
    I had issue with this as well. I found that very controlled breathing (particularly on the exhale) is helpful when timed with step. I inhale 4 steps, pause 1 step, exhale 3 steps.

    I can't even remember what I was doing before then - maybe just trying to survive? lol
  • nicolemarie1978
    nicolemarie1978 Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you, I'm going to try that! Right now I feel like I'm always trying to catch my breath. It's definitely not controlled!
  • jessc4343
    jessc4343 Posts: 214 Member
    I think the control makes a difference in that you're not literally pounding the breath out of your body. Good luck & take it easy!
  • nicolemarie1978
    nicolemarie1978 Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you Jess! Did you finish the program already?
  • NatashaRuz
    I'm hopefully starting Week 3 tomorrow too. Running a fever right now, so we'll see.

    Great question and great answer! I was struggling with breathing too. Will try Jess's method next time :)
  • jessc4343
    jessc4343 Posts: 214 Member
    Thank you Jess! Did you finish the program already?

    I'm at the part where it makes you feel like real, live runner for about 25-30 minutes a day, hah!

    No, I haven't finished yet - finishing up week 6 tonight and then on to week 7 - the land of no-intervals!
  • jessc4343
    jessc4343 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm hopefully starting Week 3 tomorrow too. Running a fever right now, so we'll see.

    Great question and great answer! I was struggling with breathing too. Will try Jess's method next time :)

    I hope you feel better soon and I hope the 4/3 works for you, too! It was actually suggested by the bf who enjoys running. His theory was 1) your muscles need oxygen, so getting into a good breathing routine could help delay muscle fatigue & 2) well, four in, three out - the oxygen "stays in your system longer"

    So often he's right about things - and maybe it's just mind-over-matter - but it's been working.

    Good luck, girls!
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    I'd say just breathe when you feel you need to and don't think about it too much - If you're really short of breath, maybe slow down a bit.
    One thing I read was to try and vary which foot you breathe in on, as apparently you strike harder when you breathe in, so if you always breathe in and strike with the same foot, it might cause problems in the long run (as if there wasn't enough to think about already!).
    Good luck and enjoy! I did the program last year and ran my first half marathon yesterday :glasses: