in "Push" muscle-building phase -- should I still cut?

Right now I am in the "Push" phase (muscle-building phase) of ChaLean Extreme. I have 3 weeks left.

I am also doing a reset, and am nearly 12 weeks in.

I had planned on cutting after 12 weeks, but now I'm wondering if it would be counterproductive since I'm trying to build muscle.

On the other hand, Chalene's book says I should eat 1200 cals/day! LOL.
That sure confuses things.


  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    I'm on the last week of Burn right now, starting Push next week and I didn't even think of this aspect. I have to say, that this is my third time doing CLX and I never upped my calories or changed my macros during Push before and I still felt that I got stronger and leaner. Both of the other two times I was eating fewer calories than I am eating now, though. I think I will just stick with my cut and see what happens. I am already looking for another lifting program to start after CLX is done, so it's not like this is the only chance I will ever be able to build muscle. Besides, I still have some BF to lose, and I figure eating at cut and lifting heavier can only help me achieve that goal.

    Edited to add: Somebody else made a good point about the CLX book recommending 1200 calories...they probably recommend that low so people who have not worked out/dieted before can see some quick results so they think the program is "effective". Recommending that low of a calorie intake is not really responsible when it comes to promoting long term health and fitness.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    whether or not this has something to do with the above situations or not, I don't know. But I started weights during my reset in which I was eating at Maintenance. Now i'm 3 weeks into my cut, although I only did 10%, i'm finding my lifting is getting harder to sustain at the same numbers. In particular, my reps are decreasing from 10 to 9 on a few lifts. Up to this point i've been able to increase my weight around every 2 weeks. Hoping this isn't a trend and not sure if it has to do with me being on cut or not. Curious to find out though.
  • bellabrite
    bellabrite Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks for your input!

    littlepink, that is really interesting. I'd be curious to know what happens in the future and if you think it is related to your cals

    amberaz, it's interesting to know how you felt the first time around. In addition to feeling stronger, did you also notice increased muscle bulk?
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    I definitely built up some visible muscles during my first round of Chalean, it was the first time in my life I was actually able to see any muscle in my arms. I was also able to do a full chin-up or two, which I had never done before either. At that time, I think I was eating 1400 NET calories; I'm 5'3" and my weight stays around 110-120. Now, I'm eating 1640 calories plus eating back anything I burn over 275 calories. That leaves me at least a few calories over my BMR every day and I'm never hungry. I am actually at 20% cut (I know, I know BAD :ohwell: ) but I feel better eating at this level than I did at 15% cut. I haven't actually lost much weight (just a little water weight), but I can fit back into most of my clothes. I am thinking that I may actually eat the extra 100 calories on lift day to make my cut 15% on those days. I plan on lifting CONSIDERABLY heavier starting next week.