A new member with a few questions!

cncrafton Posts: 82 Member
Hey, folks!

I just joined MFP today and a friend of mine said I should check out this group. If anyone wants to be my friend, I'd love it. I'm a bit lost. :)

I've recently started working out, and initially that's all I was going to do. But I decided that if I'm going to put forth that effort, I should also make some dietary changes – it's a good time for that, because I've just moved out on my own and have full control over what food is in my apartment and what is prepared for meals! I've decided to count calories and aim for a goal every day but I'm not going to get down on myself if I go out to dinner with friends or have 1 or 2 (or 7) glasses of wine on a Saturday night. I'm just going to ask myself if something is really, TRULY worth the calories – sometimes it will be, and that's okay. :) I grew up with a parent who had an eating disorder, so I have to be very careful about not letting calorie counting rule my life as I have developed similar tendencies. I do have a lot of weight to lose, but I'm not going to let myself focus on a number on the scale. I'm just going to make changes and see what happens.

So, with that said…My BMR is 2,087, my TDEE is 2,869, and the Scooby calculator says I should aim for 2,295/daily. I've decided to work to stay over 2,000 and under 2,200. It's 10:30 PM here and I have a little over 1,000 calories remaining. I have two questions:

1) Is it okay to come in that low (my net calories right now are 1,013) every once in a while? I know it's not good in the long run, and I don't want to mess up my metabolism any more than it already is. But honestly I'm kind of tired, I'll be heading to bed in an hour or two, and I just don't know how to pack in 1,000 calories right now and not end up with a second wind that keeps me awake later than I'd like.

2) When this happens, what kind of snacks should I finish the day off with? I finished dinner around 7 and I knew I had a lot of calories left over, but I honestly just didn't know WHAT to eat so I just…didn't. I mean, I could go to McDonald's right now and take care of those calories really quick, but that just seems counterproductive to my new, healthy lifestyle. :) The only sort of snacky things I have right now aside from fruit is just junky stuff and again, I'd rather not eat 1k calories worth of potato chips just to get up toward my calorie goal. I mean…I WOULD like it, but I know it's not what my body needs, haha. So I guess I'm asking for some filling snack ideas that aren't super processed?



  • riouxt
    riouxt Posts: 104 Member
    Hi there. In answer to your last question, I had an avocado today at lunch that I didn't realize was going to "cost" me 320 cals! Lol. So there's an idea for you. Also, peanut butter is good, I like a protein shake with milk before bed and Greek yogurt is also yummy. Nuts are always an option too. I like unsalted pistachios. Yum. I find that hitting my protein each day is really keeping my energy levels up and my sugar cravings have all but disappeared. :) Hope you enjoy it here. The support and people are second to none.
  • 1. Every once in a while--like, probably only once every two-three weeks, at the most--it isn't the end of the world to be really far under your calorie intake. Sometimes it happens. The important thing is to not let it become habit. I personally don't find that eating late at night keeps me up any later than I would be up otherwise (I can eat a full meal and fall asleep with ease within the hour), so if it was me, I would go ahead and eat something or a bunch of somethings to fill in the gap at least a little. If eating late at night keeps you awake, though, just budget the meal timing a little better in the future, and probably try to eat more throughout the day. (:

    2. Some ideas for you:

    slice of whole wheat toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter (anywhere from 150-200 calories depending on the bread and PB used; I go for whole or honey wheat and jif natural peanut butter)
    1/2 cup 1% milkfat cottage cheese with 1/2 cup pineapple (~160 calories)
    fruit (a cup of grapes will run in the 100 calorie range; a medium-ish banana will do the same)
    Greek yogurt with granola (200-300 calories)
    old-fashioned oats with banana and peanut butter (200-300 calories)
    cheese (okay, maybe not the healthiest thing, haha, but it isn't that bad for you and some varieties are certainly calorie-heavy, and I love the stuff)

    If all else fails, there's always Ben & Jerry's. :laugh: I've been eating exactly a serving size (1/2 cup, ~270 calories) for dessert at night after dinner now, since at that point I've already hit my macros and usually still need about that many calories.
  • high calorie foods that are also nutritionally dense sound good for filling in that additional 1000 cals you need right now.

    try fatty fish like salmon (omega-3s)
    bananas, avocado, coconut milk,
    nuts and seeds, etc.
    try adding a tbsp of sesame seeds to your stir-fries.
    make muffins with almond meal or ground almonds.
    use quality olive oils for your salads and when sauteing.

    protein shakes are also pretty caloric and will help you maintain the muscles you have while eating at a deficit.
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    I use it to bump my calorie count all the time. 275 kcal for a pint of semi-skimmed, packed with protein and doesn't fill/bloat me like food would.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Welcome to the group. Friend request sent!

    I'd just echo what others have said - nuts, PB, avocado, milk, cheese, greek yoghurt etc are all good for using up calories and bumping up protein too.

    After eating more for a while you'll soon get into the habit and wonder how you ever survived on eating so little. I've usually scoffed around 1200 by mid-afternoon then have a big dinner when I get in from work followed by an evening snack an hour or two later, my current goal being around 2300.

    Be sure to read all the stickies, especially the 'what to expect when upping calories' one. Everyone here is happy to help so be sure to ask if anything puzzles you. :)
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    Hey Candice (Candice is my friend, guys! You should all add her.), I suggest logging in your meals for the day BEFORE you start eating any of them. I realize sometimes stuff comes up and things change, but you can update the meals on the fly if you need to. This really helps me out though, because otherwise I used to come in either really high or really low with some of my meals. Doing it in advance lays everything out there and gives me a bit of a plan to aim for. I don't stress it if stuff changes, I just go with it.

    As for higher calorie stuff, don't just go to McDonalds to fill up on calories if you're trying to change bad habits. That's just gonna reinforce them. I suggest keeping avocados, peanut butter (or whatever nut butter you like), nuts, seeds, coconut milk (cook rice with it!), hummus (and/or other bean dips),beans, olives, and dried fruits on hand as snacks throughout the day.