Make it work for YOU. It's your life. You have time.

31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
I ADORE how more people are realizing that the process requires baby steps. I've noticed (as I'm sure many of you have) that it's the people who try to "change the world" :huh: or do everything at once that have the most difficulty with the entire process. :grumble:

Increasing cals, trying to hit macros perfectly, doing a reset, decreasing/increasing exercise, adding in weight lifting, running a 10k, going paleo, zigzagging cals, IFing, adding PB back in to the diet, drinking protein shakes, adding HIIT, giving up diet soda, switching to low carb/high carb, going to college, getting a degree, becoming a doctor, inventing a cure for cancer.... :noway:

ok, so I'm getting carried away...

But you get what I'm saying. Trying to conquer the world during your first week/month/YEAR of EM2WL, is gonna put you on the fast track to insanity. :sad:

One step at a time is all we can do.

Think of all things on your journey that you feel you need to work on (increasing protein? drinking more water? not getting on the scale as much? adding good fats? letting go of quick fix mentality?) and pick ONE that will have the greatest impact.

Do that ONE thing, until it is second nature. Then add the next step. There is no rush. You have nothing but time, this is the rest of your life.

**Research shows that when we tackle ONE new thing we have an over 80% success ratio. When we try to tackle TWO things, that rate drops as low as 20%*** :frown:

"ONE thing at a time!" you exclaim...."but that may take over a YEAR!"

EXXXXACTLY :drinker:

Set yourself up for success! :flowerforyou:

That's my weekly ramble, lol....I'm done :tongue:



  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Love this!! It makes so much sense b/c sometimes you just need to be told to slow down & do 1 thing at a time. I know I have a big problem with going gung ho & trying to add in too many things at once & very quickly I burn out and do none of it. Thank you for this Kiki b/c I for one needed to be reminded of ALL of this!! :blushing: :flowerforyou:
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Love it
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Fantastic and so true! That's exactly what I'm doing. One day at a time .:) Thanks for the reminder.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Thanks for the reminder, Kiki.

    I am not a very patient person, but this process is teaching me to be.

    Getting there slowly. You guys are a great support!

  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    ROFL! Brilliant!
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member

    But you get what I'm saying. Trying to conquer the world during your first week/month/YEAR of EM2WL, is gonna put you on the fast track to insanity. :sad:

    Yes, feeling overwhelmed, trying to hit every thing right on and getting discouraged sometimes. Still trying to get the scale # out of my head!! Thats my focus now. The more I try not to focus the more I focus on it. :explode: Even though cloths are fitting great, and a visible difference in the mirror. The scale is the hardest part for me. But I will get there!

    Thanks for this! I WILL make it work. I won't make the scale my enemy I just won't believe everything it says! Kind of like a politician!!:laugh:
  • And this is why I vote KiKi for president!!! lol This is what we all need to hear. It may seem like the weight came on over night but it didnt so therefore it wont come off over night. Patience, consistancy and patience :wink:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member

    The first week after I decided to get in good enough shape to run a 10k, I just walked the dog more. Then joined here and started C25K. It took another two weeks before I started even logging food with any regularity. I started with minor changes, like not having Pop Tarts for breakfast. Having a Quaker granola bar instead of five fun sized candy bars. Making something with pasta, a sauce, some vegetables and a protein instead of a Hamburger or Chicken Helper. A whole bunch of little changes. When one change became habit, I added another change. When exercising with 5# dumbbells didn't leave me sore, I moved on to heavier weights. When I could easily run 30 minutes, I longer... or faster so it wasn't so easy any more. I didn't pay attention to macros at first, only calories.

    As the saying goes, "When I knew better, I did better."
  • trishadams
    trishadams Posts: 104 Member
    Can we get some podcasts?? LOL, not trying to add to your plate, but love this one. Will need to revisit it regularly:happy:
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    :heart: this!!

    I think that's why I feel so much better this time around. I've been taking things slow, and going after one goal at a time. And I've been doing a TON of research before I jump into anything. I feel so much more in control. :smile:
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    Thanks Kiki....once hit the nail right on the head!

    Getting back to basics. Starting now.

    :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Wise words as always :)

    This is not a race.
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Increasing cals, trying to hit macros perfectly, doing a reset, decreasing/increasing exercise, adding in weight lifting, running a 10k, going paleo, zigzagging cals, IFing, adding PB back in to the diet, drinking protein shakes, adding HIIT, giving up diet soda, switching to low carb/high carb, going to college, getting a degree, becoming a doctor, inventing a cure for cancer....

    Ok, so that describes me, apart from the doctor bit at the end :laugh:

    Baby steps, patience, bay steps and patience!

    Thanks Kiki :heart:
  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    Nice :)
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    Do that ONE thing, until it is second nature. Then add the next step. There is no rush. You have nothing but time, this is the rest of your life.

    **Research shows that when we tackle ONE new thing we have an over 80% success ratio. When we try to tackle TWO things, that rate drops as low as 20%*** :frown:

    "ONE thing at a time!" you exclaim...."but that may take over a YEAR!"

    EXXXXACTLY :drinker:

    Set yourself up for success! :flowerforyou:

    LOVEEEE this.

    when i first started EM2WL, i went into hyper-obsessive-anal-retentive mode. i was driving myself crazy with numbers and obsess over every single meal; seriously, all i thought about was food. i think mentally i was worse at the start of EM2WL than i was eating less. i knew what i could eat (very little) and i was fine within that strict outline. when i started this journey, having so many choices and not being restricted became stifling.

    well now, 4 months into it, i find myself completely at peace and FREE. i'm taking it slowly....LEARNING about my body and making habits that'll last a lifetime.
  • I feel like I should print this, frame it and hang it on my wall!!

    I have a habit of beating myself up about SOMETHING every single day. I didn't hit my macros, I went over way too much on my carbs, I went out to dinner and blew it, didn't drink my water, didn't work out, need to lift weights more....blah, blah, blah!!!! It really is enough to drive a person CRAZY!!! I am slowing starting to accept that this is a slow process with lots of learning and patience required along the way.

    Thank you so much for your wisdom. You are a wise woman indeed!!! :flowerforyou:
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Can we get some podcasts?? LOL, not trying to add to your plate, but love this one. Will need to revisit it regularly:happy:

    ROFL....the crazy thing is I was just pondering that this past weekend! Haha. (you know me...always looking for new ramble outlets :P) but talked myself down, figuring my blah, blah, be patient, blah, blah would quickly run any brave listener off :yawn:

  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    Loved reading this. I'm so frustrated, I literally change something every day or at least every week. The numbers given by MFP, F2F, Scooby, etc. are all hugely different. As soon as I gain a pound, I find the one with the lowest number and switch my goal to that. As soon as I lose a pound, I start thinking maybe I can eat enough to build muscle and switch to the one with the highest numbers. The only time I've given anything enough time to really work was 8 weeks of reset and no scale.

    I'm ready to get back to basics and stick with it. Now to just figure out which calculator numbers will work for me.......

    +1 on the podcast!
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    I ADORE how more people are realizing that the process requires baby steps. I've noticed (as I'm sure many of you have) that it's the people who try to "change the world" :huh: or do everything at once that have the most difficulty with the entire process. :grumble:

    Increasing cals, trying to hit macros perfectly, doing a reset, decreasing/increasing exercise, adding in weight lifting, running a 10k, going paleo, zigzagging cals, IFing, adding PB back in to the diet, drinking protein shakes, adding HIIT, giving up diet soda, switching to low carb/high carb, going to college, getting a degree, becoming a doctor, inventing a cure for cancer.... :noway:

    ok, so I'm getting carried away...

    But you get what I'm saying. Trying to conquer the world during your first week/month/YEAR of EM2WL, is gonna put you on the fast track to insanity. :sad:

    One step at a time is all we can do.

    Think of all things on your journey that you feel you need to work on (increasing protein? drinking more water? not getting on the scale as much? adding good fats? letting go of quick fix mentality?) and pick ONE that will have the greatest impact.

    Do that ONE thing, until it is second nature. Then add the next step. There is no rush. You have nothing but time, this is the rest of your life.

    **Research shows that when we tackle ONE new thing we have an over 80% success ratio. When we try to tackle TWO things, that rate drops as low as 20%*** :frown:

    "ONE thing at a time!" you exclaim...."but that may take over a YEAR!"

    EXXXXACTLY :drinker:

    Set yourself up for success! :flowerforyou:

    That's my weekly ramble, lol....I'm done :tongue:


    Kiki You've just described the last 10 years of my life (and my husband would agree with you!) I'm actually 50 lb's 'heavier because of all those crazy running around in circles trying to find out whats going to work.

    Thanks for the call to reality!!!
  • Tonika44137
    Tonika44137 Posts: 167 Member
    Very well said and I could agree more with all the responses..I need to read, hear and repeat this to myself everyday...
    I am a person that tries to rush things,, rush my weight loss, rush through my sets, rush my routine, rush, rush rush...I need to slow down and take it one day at a time..I tried increasing calories alot and balance macros and felt like a failure when I couldnt do both so right now I'm trying to balance the macros and a calorie intake that is substanable (1500) and then go from there...thank you again