Always Tired - Please help!

I found out I had T2 2yrs ago. My A1C was 12.6! I found out my family has a long history with Diabetes. I was doing good controlling my diabetes until I had my son last year. Now I work full time and take care of him when I get home I'm always tired. I know I need to excerise but never seem to do anything. Does anyone have some ideas for excerises I can do with my son at home? Any advise at all for me. Please help!


  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,175 Member
    Is there a reason your husband cant take care of your son while you have some workout time? You can do some at home exercises...lots of videos on YouTube. Or you could join a gym with a basic membership and either do stationary bike or eliptical or treadmill. You don't have to exhaust yourself...a light workout is better than no workout.

    Or you could take your son for a walk...lots of women do that, too. But having some workout time for yourself would be a better option, if possible.
  • Cameo530
    Cameo530 Posts: 155 Member
    Hi Jennifer and welcome to the group, though I'm sure all of us wish we didn't need to be here.

    One quick question: How are your meter readings/A1C? If you've been running high that can cause the exhaustion.

    Also, what is your daily calorie intake? When I was first diagnosed and started on here, MFP gave me 1200 calories a day and it was just not enough. I would get home from work and need to lie down for a 2-3 hour nap most days! I've raised my calorie goal twice since then and I feel much better for it and I'm still losing weight since I'm still eating less and moving more than I used to.
  • Cameo530
    Cameo530 Posts: 155 Member
    One more thing: turn that toddler into exercise equipment! :happy: Just google "exercising with baby" or "exercising with toddler" and you'll find lots of things that will help you get some exercise in and your little boy will think it's just great play time with mom! Here are just a couple that I found:

    There are lots more.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Hi There-

    I'm brand new here as well, and was also diagnosed two years ago. My children are now 4 and 5. All I would encourage you to be is patient with yourself about the exhaustion. Yes, it could be diabetes, and likely some of it is. And, it's being a mother, working, trying to do it all, and give enough to everywhere that needs it. I was exhausted for 4 years, and it is truly just now getting better, as both kids sleep through the night, as I finally established a bit of a routine (sometimes anyway).

    Walking with the kids saved my tail. I'm lucky to be near a linear trail that's beautiful. Some days one or both kids would just be miserable and complaining in the stroller, but I needed to walk anyway, and ignore them. Water, milk or juice, cheerios or goldfish, and off we went.

    And yet and still... easier said than done.
    Hang in there, you'll figure this out!
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Being a working mom is tough and tiring. It may simply be that is what is causing your exhaustion. High BG can do it, so can not eating enough or not sleeping enough. Check all 3 to see if you are doing ok. Not exercising can be a problem too. If you have a job that you sit a lot you may want to try to squeeze in a walk during lunch. When my kids were little I walked for about 45 minutes 5 days a week at lunch.

    If possible, try to take a walk in the evening with your son. It will set a good example for him too. Walking is very under rated as an exercise. It is one that requires almost no equipment, has light impact on joints, and most people can do it.