Veggies, Veggies, Veggies!

When I first started paleo, I had trouble liking vegetables. As I peruse food diaries in our group, I see I am not alone. But, I quickly found out that vegetables are an important key to paleo success. I aim for 6 cups vegetables/day. Admittedly, sometimes I make it and sometimes I don't. Now, a minimum requirement for me is to eat vegetables at every meal. (I see you looking at me, Breakfast, and I am talking to you too!)

Here is a DELICIOUS paleo blog that opened my eyes to vegetable possibilities. Check out all of her recipes and find your paleo food joy:


  • So glad you shared this blog link! I need to eat more veggies too and am inexperienced with spices to keep some variety in our meals. She has a great list of spices to have and hand with a quick explanation of their flavor and what they're good with. Love it!