
areber07 Posts: 38 Member
I just did satge 1 workout A last night. My upper body is a little sore but I am assuming I didnt lift the proper amount of weight and it only took me about 20 minutes to complete, is that about right? Here is what my workout looked like:

Squats - 15 lb barbell ( too light will go to regular barbell with weight next time maybe 30lbs total?)
Pushups - on knees 2 sets 15 ( that was too easy but really not sure what to do since i can't do a man push up)
Rows - first set did at 30lbs second set did at 40 lbs. I could probably go up?
Stepups - did not have a good way to do these at the gym but used an excercise stup up thing with only two stabilizers on each side and only used body weight due to not thinking about using weights.
Prone jacknife - 2 sets of 18.

I am looking for some feedback, I didnt want to kill myself but I feel that i didn't work out as hard as I could have???


  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    You did the correct exercises. The next time you do workout A you will want to increase your weights. I found that I increased weights every time I went to the gym in phase 1. Phase 1 only takes about 30 minutes, so I incorporated walking on the tredmill before and after as a warm up and warm down. Phase 1 is all about building strength and increasing your weights. I am in phase 4 and it takes me over an hour to complete.
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    Okay, here are my suggestions.

    At least use the olympic 45lb bar.

    -Pushups -
    Do an incline push-up, do not do "girl" push-ups. They show the variations of this in the book. Find a bench and do them there.

    Yes, definately increase these a good bit more. I would start at 80 or even 90 and build up.

    Use more stabilizers. When you go to step onto the bench, put your foot down and look at your leg. It should be a 90 degree angle (it does not say this in the book). Grab some dumbbels (10 lbs would be a good start) and do each leg.

    It's not the time it takes you to do the exercise, it's the QUALITY of the exercise. You need to put forth an exhausting effort. You need to make those microtears to build your muscle :) Once you get a feel for where you need to be it will be easier.