I has question!

Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
I've been eating primal for about 3-4 months now, recently increasing the fats ration to above the protein ratio. I try to eat slightly above my BMR, but below my TDEE and try to get in some exercise and play.

I've definitely had many NSV's and have lost inches (you can take a look at my profile pictures for a 30 day comparison of my progress, I just didn't take pictures the first 2-3 months) I've also been seeing continued improvements in other non-scale areas, such as strength, stamina, endurance, etc. However, the scale hasn't really shown anything in the last month...it goes up and down as it fluctuates normally throughout the week (I'm only weighing once a week now to avoid getting upset about it.)

I can understand that I need to be patient and continue doing what I am doing and it will eventually lift...but I would really like to know if there is a certain point in this process where the "scale weight" starts catching up with all of the inches I am losing? For those of you who have been through this, what has your experience been? Did it take several months and the weight just started coming off? I do not want it to seem like all I care about is the scale, but I do want to make sure that it is actually moving in the right direction and I am not just toning up only.

My diary is open, I am able to receive constructive feedback, and value it, even. Just please don't beat me up if I've made a mistake...I've worked really hard to get where I am and am proud of my progress.


  • DiCE12
    DiCE12 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey! Do you do a lot of exercise or just a bit? Is some of it weights?

    I've noticed I haven't lost much on the scale but I now fit into 3 pairs of shorts that didn't fit when I was half a stone lighter! I dunno if it's possible but you may be retaining muscle mass (on other diets you lose both muscle & fat = bigger losses, I think!) I've been disscussing this with people on another forum who have had the some thing.. one girl is 10-15 pounds heavier but 3 sizes smaller ?! Crazy! I think you should worry less about the scales to be honest and more how you feel.. because scales are not always accurate representation!


    I love this site! And actually am inspired by this girl.. if you look at her last pictures.. she is ten pounds heavier... yet looks better! I know it's because she really lifts heavy but it is something to consider and make you think about weight more differently.. it's hard to wean and not be so bothered about the scale... as it's drilled into us that the number on the screen is so important!!
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    You are on the right pace. You should lose 1.5 lbs a week or 6lbs a month. After looking at your diary I would suggest getting the book "it starts with food" from amazon. and do the whole 30. You need to cut all grains and sweeteners to stop the bloating and inflammation. Just remember veggies and protein every meal. Good luck on your new lifestyle!
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    @Dice I would say I have been doing a fair amount of exercise. I've incorporated free weights into my routine. I started off with 5 pound dumbbells and now am at 12 pounds. I also do squats using a yoga ball and a section of wall and for cardio do dancing with my kinect, cycling and the treadmill/elliptical here and there. I'm not on a strict exercise routine, but I am trying to have an active lifestyle and work my way into doing something on most days. I have definitely gotten stronger. :)

    I read Staci's story and that was very helpful. I have come across the nerdfitness site a few times and suppose I will need to mark it as a favorite now and reference it more often, lol.

    I think you are totally right about the scale weight being ingrained into us. I am continually working on losing that frame of mind, I just stumble sometimes...and the reassurance is nice. It seems I am the only person on my MFP friends list, and the only friend in RL that is doing this lifestyle...having rolemodels and supporters would help even more, I'm sure. I will try to work on accepting the fact that I may wind up weighing 300 pounds...but look like Staci. That is just a major mind hurdle to get through, ya know?

    Thanks for sharing this info with me, I will use it.

    @Spirit Thank you for the encouragement, it helps more than you know. I am working on my grains/carbs and trying to get them under 50grams per day over time. Right now, the mini goal is consistently under 150grams. I find that I do best making changes in phases, otherwise, I binge. I did go ahead and purchase the "it starts with food" book for my kindle and will start reading it today. I have seen several posts on "whole 30" since joining the Primal/Paleo group and intended on making that a goal for the upcoming future as well. So thanks for the book reference, this will help me along the way. :)
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    you may not see much in the way of the scale...my weight loss is very slow going - but I am loosing inches and such...
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    @twinmom You look fantastic! I also read your profile and found it to be very helpful and inspiring as well. Thanks for the support and being able to relate.