Bulgarian Split Squat

Tips? Suggestions?

I'm using a bench, because my gym doesn't have steps. I really struggle to keep the back foot upside down - like I REALLY want to use my toes for balance, rather than the top of my foot. I thought I read somewhere on here to go shoeless, so I tried that, which actually made it harder.
Is my problem the bench? It almost feels like a flexibility issue - If I take a big enough step forward to release some pressure off my back leg, my legs are so far apart that I don't really end up straightening the floor leg. It never fully extends - but if I straighten it, I need to be closer to the bench - but then run into issues keeping my knee over my ankles when bending.

I'm in Stage 4 now, and to be honest, when I did these in Stage 2 I just went ahead and balanced my back leg on the bottom of my toes, essentially just doing another set of Static Lunge Rear Foot Elevated.
