My Blood work after 6 months of Primal/Paleo



  • Danied13
    Danied13 Posts: 117 Member
    I ASK YOU THIS.... Name one other "diet" forum or nutrition group on MFP (or elsewhere) where we so boldly brag about our bloodwork? As much crap that we get for being caveman eaters (I've heard it all believe me) - and how "one slice of bread isn't going to kill you" - none of those people seem to post their lipids ;)

    ^^^exactly! We're all crazy, conspiracy theorist because "everything is fine in moderation". NO! Show me your lab work or say nothing about our lifestyle!
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member

  • AKbluedragonfly
    AKbluedragonfly Posts: 79 Member
    I thought I'd share mine too so people can see it isn't just a fluke!

    Before Primal: After 6 weeks Primal:
    date: 12/28/2007 9/24/2011
    HDL (should be >60): 52 82
    LDL (should be <100): 53 96
    Triglycerides (should be <150): 71 38
    Total Chol. (should be <200): 119 184
    Trig./HDL Ratio (should be < 2.0): 1.37 0.46 (SUPER GOOD!)

    Things to note:
    My HDL increased so much from a high-fat diet. My Triglycerides were cut in half from eating less carbs. Another thing to note is that my primal LDL may be exaggerated due to how low my triglycerides are and how that factors into the total cholesterol calculation. A good article about this calculation error is here:

    I'd love to test my LDL to see its ratio of harmless fluffy LDL vs. small compact LDL. Considering my Trig./HDL ratio is less than 1.0, I'm assuming there's a lot of fluffy LDL, which is protective.
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    AK - exactly - also stellar trigs. And I'm positive your LDL's are all kinds of fluffy. One of the articles I read stated that with a ratio like yours, it actually is a predictor of fluffy ldls which are good especially if your inflammation markers are low.
    I can't find any consensus on testing methodology for pattern A vs pattern B - there appears to be disagreement on testing methodology. I asked to have it done and the labs said they don't do it because it basically isn't a valid number using their approach.