weighted ab moves??

I posted a similar topic a wk or so ago in "6 pk abs" but didn't get much response. so i'm trying here...

any specificly weighted / resistance ab workouts y'all do (yes i'm southern lol)?

I've added a 10# free weight to my P90x ab ripper recently & really felt a difference. I also do reverse crunches with a 3kg medicine ball & i do some resistance crunches, but I'm always looking for new ways to change up my ab routines -

what are some of y'alls favorites - either weighted or definately tough... ? pls be descriptive - i'm a visual person LOL...


  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    back extensions with a 25# plate held across my chest

    "twisty situps" <-- for lack of a better term: 1) get a 10# plate 2) sit on your butt with your knees bent 3) balance on your butt, keep your kees bent 4) hold the plate out, don't bend your elbows 5) twist your upper body to the left, keep your arms strait 6) twist your upper body to the right 7) repeat... stay balanced

    teapots (as in the kids' song "I'm a little teapot" lol): hold a 30# dumbell in one hand, bend torso to the side then stand back up (to work obliques)
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    "twisty situps" <-- for lack of a better term: 1) get a 10# plate 2) sit on your butt with your knees bent 3) balance on your butt, keep your kees bent 4) hold the plate out, don't bend your elbows 5) twist your upper body to the left, keep your arms strait 6) twist your upper body to the right 7) repeat... stay balanced
    SO,... mason twists, but legs / arms out?
    teapots (as in the kids' song "I'm a little teapot" lol): hold a 30# dumbell in one hand, bend torso to the side then stand back up (to work obliques)
    I do these! :) killer burn (and it sneaks up on you)!! i do a 25# kettle x 20 right now - ea side...

  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    "twisty situps" <-- for lack of a better term: 1) get a 10# plate 2) sit on your butt with your knees bent 3) balance on your butt, keep your kees bent 4) hold the plate out, don't bend your elbows 5) twist your upper body to the left, keep your arms strait 6) twist your upper body to the right 7) repeat... stay balanced
    SO,... mason twists, but legs / arms out?

    Mason twists is it! I had no idea what it was called :laugh: I do it balanced on the edge of a weight bench, my legs flail around a bit hehe. And keeping your arms strait keeps the weight feeling... heavier. It also helps to think of the twisting motion the same way as you would move your torso for a hook.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Personally love the Roman chair or a real killer is hanging leg raise (elbows supported or straight arms). You could add weight if you want to but I don't know many people who do.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    Personally love the Roman chair or a real killer is hanging leg raise (elbows supported or straight arms). You could add weight if you want to but I don't know many people who do.

    I do the roman chair (i call it the hanging chair) lol. I do 3 sets of 20, mostly legs straight out every m,w,f in my current routine. I had the *brilliant* idea once to add a 5 lb db to my ankles, then realized ... uh, it's REALLY hard (impossible) to use one hand, put the weight in b/t my ankles... and then support myself w/out any feet to put my arm back where it needs to be LOL...

    maybe i need some ankle weights LOL!!!
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member

    Mason twists is it! I had no idea what it was called :laugh: I do it balanced on the edge of a weight bench, my legs flail around a bit hehe. And keeping your arms strait keeps the weight feeling... heavier. It also helps to think of the twisting motion the same way as you would move your torso for a hook.

    Ya, i do mine on the floor w/ a 5# db (long-ways) and i make sure to hit the ground with my fist each side. I've also tried sitting on the edge of a bench, and doing "scissor kicks" (alternate legs up & down - like scissors lol) and tossing a med. ball in b/t as I go - that takes some finess - but it works - i'd completely forgotten about that one...
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Hi. I love anti rotational cable holds-put a D-handle on the cable, adjust the cable to your weist if standing or mid thigh if kneeling or half kneeling, stand a little bit away from the cable and pull, extend your arms in front of you and hold in that position for a time-start with 30 sec. and try to increase. You can also try to " write out" the letters instead of holding your arms straight out. I love the side bends too! Pikes with legs on SB are great even though you don't use weights. Farmer's walks with weight in one hand only-at hip hold, racked wight or overhead hold. Split squats with barbell and normal squats with BB are all great for the abs.
  • grecogab90
    grecogab90 Posts: 77 Member
  • Smurfette1987
    Smurfette1987 Posts: 110 Member
    Kettlebell twists, kettlebell swings, situps with a medicine ball, I do bicicyles with ankle weights sometimes but I'm not actually sure if this officially safe on the knees?
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    Kettlebell twists, kettlebell swings, situps with a medicine ball, I do bicicyles with ankle weights sometimes but I'm not actually sure if this officially safe on the knees?

    I'd like to get some ankle weights as well. I think it'd be as safe as any other weight - just don't start off with 15# s lol!

    lately i've been doing the "rotary torso" machine at our gym as well - it's great for the obliques.