any other nurses?



  • Bman41
    Bman41 Posts: 1
    Hello gang, it is so good to hear others have the same frustration. I used to be in such great condition in previous years and even during nursing school. But has night shift really put a kink in my eating and exercise! I feel so much better when I work out and eat good but it only takes one really bad night and then you think to yourself "well I deserve to stop at hardes on the way home and eat 3000 calories in one meal". Then I really feel like ****.
  • lyn1uk
    lyn1uk Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a community nurse working midnight to 8am 3 nights a week. I am based in a clinic and go out to respond to patients as and when I'm needed. Some nights I'm really busy and only sit down in the car (although sometimes i drive 200 miles in a night so there is still a lot of sitting down) and other nights there might be no calls. I seem to be a lot hungrier when I'm doing nothing and sometimes I just don't want a apple or something healthy at 4am - I want chocolate!
  • Jayni40
    Jayni40 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi everyone I am an LPN working 12-8 5 days a week every weekend at the VA hospital. I have more than 100 lbs to lose and its been very hard. I been working nights for 17 years. Ive only been successful at losing a lot of weight between 04-06 110 lbs but had insomnia the whole time. I would be up for 3-4 days in a row then crash. I know thats not healthy but working nights I could never get any regular sleep. Needless to say I gained it all back plus some. Its is so frustating. This is my third attempt at trying to get this weight off.Feel free to add me I could definitely use some support and motivation especially from people who understand the struggles night shifters have.
  • vpsorrels
    vpsorrels Posts: 35 Member
    I'm new to the night shifts I work PCU/ICU 12 hr nights. Been on nights since the end of November and I'm must now getting to where I sleep 6hr stretches when I work. I find it challenging on my nights off; and my eating seems to be worse on the nights/days I do not go to work. I have been a LPN for 20yrs but recently graduated with my RN.
    Anyone on night shifts feel free to add me I REALLY need some encouragement for going at this.
  • IcuRN69
    IcuRN69 Posts: 1 Member
    I am an RN working in a Canadian Neuro/Trauma ICU. We work a 12 hour 2 Day/2 Night, 5 off rotation which I Love, but I usually pick up two or three part-time shifts in a rural hospital ER on my "days off"!! After 13 years, I still haven't learned great sleeping or eating habits. If I am working Day shift I eat well and follow my eating plan but then by the time I get home I am hungry again and end up snacking on junk. On Night shifts, my daily calorie count is done but I get so hungry that one again I end up nibbling all night. I have 25-30 lbs that I would like to lose and would appreciate any support and suggestions.
  • Sweatinglikeapigtolooklikeafox

    Not strictly a nurse but I am a healthcare assistant on a PICU in the UK.
    Shifts are varied from week to week but I am on my last nightshift of a 3 night stretch. Hours are 9pm till 0720am.
    I find it so hard to be good as well as eating right when coming off of nights :(
    Feel free to add me as I will be back on nights in a weeks time, I have a day shift followed by 3 nights, 3 off and then 3 nights again xx
  • Justtusweet
    Justtusweet Posts: 4 Member
    I am a long term care nurse nights and day shifts .....i understand the sometimes boring nights depends on the patients we have if they sleep or how much care they need......for me sandwiches and cheezies are go hard to stay away from and even tho we are sitting around (sometimes) waiting to be needed its so hard to do 10 sit ups or some kind of excersize cause its 2am and we are tired from not sleeping /eating right