I started yesterday

Hey guys,
I started Stage One yesterday and had an amazing workout. I love this program. I did have to do a bit of shenanigans to get the equipment worked out but here is how it went.

Squat: used a 35lb Kettle bell...for some reason the guy who runs the gym didn't want me to start out using the Olympic Bar??? LAME.
Pushup: did 45 degree ones with my BW
Seated Row: 100lbs! (I not only impressed myself but others. lol)
Step up: used a 20lb kettle bell in each hand and 12 inch step
Prone Jackknife: Honestly, I chickened out doing them at the gym (I weigh over 250lbs and felt like a panda playing so I bought a Swiss ball on the way home. :)

My husband also wanted me to do some bench presses so I did
Bench Press with Olympic bar for a total of 65lbs
Clean and Press with 35lbs.

So that's the first day of Stage One for me.

How did your's go?


  • mswonderwoman78
    I need to go check this book out so I can inderstand what everyone is talking about
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Welcome! That's a great start - I'm currently in Stage 6, so my start was a long time ago.:wink: I'd encourage you to post this in the Stage 1 - part 5 thread. This is where everyone is posting who is currently in Stage 1. Good luck with the program!!!


    Also, feel free to join us the Daily Chat Thread. This one is for everyone, no matter what stage you're in.

  • coolvstar650
    coolvstar650 Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks Jennie04
  • patmat
    I received my book late last week and started to read it. I started on stage 1 this week and wow! I am working the program and performing the exercises and warm ups. I have a way to go on the push ups and the body ball is somewhat of a challenge but I do like the program and having good results so far. I did make a few of the recommended recipes and they were quite tasty, even my husband enjoyed the meals.
    I have been strength training for a month but this is great. I like the format and the meal suggestions and recipes.