Eating 2200 cals+ and still hungry

I'm 5'4", 128lbs, around 22% BF. I started using a FitBit about a month ago and I eat all the calories it gives me and on my lifting days I also eat the ones I manually input. My total intake has been in between 2200 and 2400 calories a day. I'm on stage 2 of NROL4W and the inches decreased and I see I big difference on how I look and my clothes are looser. The scale moved down about 2 lbs (not really worried about it). I aim to reach 40/30/30 (usually carbs end up around 45%).

I've never been a big fan of VLCD's (did it a few of times in the distant past), so I never really did a reset. But I don't think I'd need a reset eating my TDEE (according to scooby) while hoping to cut. I'm not complaining, just want to make sure that this is ok.

I'm happy with this arrangement, but I've been feeling hungrier lately!? I do ST 3X a week, Zumba 2X and one extra short cardio day (6 workouts and on day off). I don't think I'm dehidrated while drinking over 96oz of water a day and it's not the same feeling of being hungry when bored or tired, is just hungry!

Any ideas appreciated :wink:


  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    What activity level did you use on the calculator? A lot of people tend to underestimate.
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    double check your numbers, but if you're hungry all the time, try increasing your cals by 100 and see what happens in about 4 weeks. It may be that you have room to increase yet and make your deficit smaller but still continue to lose. If you start and continue to gain or plateau, then go back to what you were doing and maybe try tweaking your macros a bit? increasing fat or protein can sometimes help keep people feeling fuller than carbs.
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    I'm using the working out 6 days a week level (there's just one more above this). I usually go over, even before getting the FitBit. The FitBit made me feel less guilty about all the cals I was eating, lol. I also eat mostly clean (85 to 90 % of my intake), with lots of veggies and proteins. I do have olive oil, nuts and or avocado daily. Protein and fat usually stay around 25 to 27%.