lifting=weight gain?

giag09 Posts: 203 Member
hi all!
i recently starting lifting at the gym heavier weights then i am used to, to get a change in my body! i have been doing it about 2 days a week plus my regular at home lifting and circiut training well i gained weight! i was about 134 now i am 139 its been a month and also my clothes arent any looser!

5 2 1/2
check out my diary and let me know if you all got any advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps 11 yrs ago i weighed 209 lbs and since i have had 2 babies ( 3 1/2 yrs and 10 months) i achieved that on cardio and low calorie basically no fat... i love eating more and lifting more but i am a bit agitated... i have been eating more for about 5 months lost in the beginning in april i was 132 when i was increasing calories then all of sudden recently i cant take it off!


  • giag09
    giag09 Posts: 203 Member
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Your body can still be changing even if your clothes aren't fitting differently. Lifting heavier will also lead to more water retention, too. And honestly, my weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds from day to day. So I track the trends.

    Comparison pics are quite a bit more helpful to see changes, but it does take patience.

    What are your goals? Are you trying to lose more weight? How much of a cut are you doing?
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    If you are weighing after a lifting day it could be water retention you are seeing. Try weighing once a week/month in the morning before eating and after the restroom and without clothes. This should be MORE accurate at least. If still no change I'd reevaluate your whole system to find a problem. Most on here will say the scale lies and not to use it or throw it out and while there is slight truth to it I think the scale is helpful if you understand how to read it. Maybe you should reeveluate anyway since you said your clothes are not looser (hopefully they aren't tighter either). Try a bit more time though :)
  • gjriddle
    gjriddle Posts: 46 Member
    I will say for me, personally, it took a couple of months before I really saw any change. I started EM2WL and lifting in June, and for all of July and most of August I just felt awful. I was feeling bloated, my clothes weren't fitting anymore, etc... but, I stuck it out and in the past two weeks or so I've finally started to really see/feel changes. I have much firmer and more-defined arms, legs & tummy and I'm comfy in my clothes again. I know it's working, as I've lost 2.6% BF since June (as of yesterday)!

    All that to say, give it a little time. Stick with it and I bet in a month or two you'll start seeing some results. Good luck!
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    i just started lifting and im sore all over

    i also gained 3 pounds but clothes are still loose