Knee surgery while plus-sized

Two of my loved ones need knee surgery- my mother needs a double knee replacement and my sister needs surgery for her torn meniscus. They are both over 350 pounds. My mother has postponed her knee surgery due to her weight- it would be very difficult to help two knees heal with her weight. My sister has tried many alternative therapies to help her knee, but she's finally resigned to having surgery. Her's is less intensive, so it should not have a problem with healing. However, I have a fear of her going under anesthesia. I would be concerned about it at any weight and maybe unrightfully so. I would assume anyone overweight would have even more risk going under. Can anyone provide me information or give me reassurance? Thanks!


  • unlocke
    unlocke Posts: 149
    I have no medical education other than what I learned during my surgeries & recoveries. is very difficult to have knee issues/pain being overweight. My doctors said that part of my problem was that I had lost a significant amount of weight (50 lbs.) and my body was having to readjust to the way I carried the weight. My knee muscles were weak, so I injured myself during exercise.
    That being said, it would be much better (if surgery is the only way to fix whatever's wrong) to get it out of the way, then work on rebuilding those muscles around the knee through physical therapy......Then gradually work their way up to regular exercise.
    The risk of anesthesia for an overweight person may be a little higher, but still a very slight risk and probably worth it to get the knees fixed so they can get significantly healthier with proper exercise. Meanwhile, I would strongly encourage a healthy diet. That will make a difference they will feel now. Good luck to them.......and to you. :smile:
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    Thanks so much- definitely reassuring :)