Stage 1 Complete!

Stage 1 Complete today...mostly anyway!

I couldn't do the AMRAPs...I have surgery scheduled for my wrist tomorrow (to remove a cyst) and I won't be able to lift for 2-3 weeks after. So I wanted to at least get through the 16 workouts of stage 1.

Today with my last B workout was a little shaky...not sure why but I couldn't get a feel for the deadlifts today. I think after my 2-3 weeks after surgery I may go back and do Stage 1 for a couple of weeks more to make sure my strength is back to where it is now before moving on to Stage 2.

I didn't do measurements...I may try to take pictures tonight but probably won't post them until I see more progress. I feel unbelievably stronger and can feel the muscles all over. I feel amazing! I started out eating well for a couple of weeks then really didn't do a great job eating or tracking for the last half of stage 1. I'm hoping to do better during this off period and then with stage 2 so I can really see some fat burn.

Starting weight was 202. This morning I was 200.5, but I fluctuate between 200 and 205 so much that I won't really count a loss until I consistently see numbers below 200.

Here are my lifting stats:
Squats: 65--105 (caveat...I used the Smith Machine because there are no other options in my gym at work. I hope to join a gym before the end of the year and I will conquer a proper squat then)
Pushups: 45 degrees with good form -- Floor with OK(ish) form...glad we get to keep working on these in S2
Seated Row: 70 -- 160
Stepups: 30lbs, 2 steps -- 38lbs, 3 steps

Deadlifts: 40 -- 90 (I actually did 100 today, but form was awful so I'm not counting it!)
Prone Jackknife: 8 per set -- 15 per set (45 total)
Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 20 -- 40
Wide Lat Pulldown: 75 -- 160
Lunges: 18 - 40


  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Congratulations! You're really strong! I can't wait to finish stage 1.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Wowza! My jaw is on the floor that you went from 75 --> 160 on wide-grip lat pull-downs. Can you do a chinup or pullup already? If not, I bet you will soon with a pulldown like that after just 1 stage! WTG!!! :)
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    Wowza! My jaw is on the floor that you went from 75 --> 160 on wide-grip lat pull-downs. Can you do a chinup or pullup already? If not, I bet you will soon with a pulldown like that after just 1 stage! WTG!!! :)

    Haha, thanks, but no I definitely can't do a pullup or chinup yet. That would require lifting myself (200 lbs), and I've still got a ways to go before that. But my goal is to be there by the end of Stage 6 like the book says!
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    I just realized my exercises were a little off...oops!

    Jackknife should be in A.

    For B:
    Swiss Ball Crunches: 8 with 10lb medicine ball at chest level -- 15 with 35lb disk on chest
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Congrats on finishishing stage 1!!
    Awesome strength gains!
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    Congratulations! Amazing weight gains! I'm hoping to gain as I continue this stage! I'm only on Workout 2 so I have a ways to go! :flowerforyou:
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    Congrats! Your numbers on the wide grip lat pulldown and seated row are SUPER impressive!!