New member and I'm lost

Eat more to weigh less? I like the way this sounds but I don't understand how this works. Could someone please explain the formula to me? I have looked through the other posts and can't seem to find the answer. I appreciate any and all responses. Thanks.


  • Have you read the TDEE and BMR thread?

    To calculate how much you should be eating, go here:

    In Step 5, select how active you are (this includes your "exercise calories"--take me, for example: I commute 4-5 miles on my bike 5 days per week, run 5 days per week, and lift weights 2 days per week. All that adds up to 5-6 hrs/wk of strenuous exercise). In Step 6, this group suggests you put in "Lose fat - 15% calorie reduction". After you put in all your other info (gender, age, weight, height), scroll down and take a look at your numbers for BMR, TDEE, and your daily goal based on Step 6.

    TDEE is the amount of calories your body needs every day to maintain its current weight. BMR is what your body needs just for basic functioning--breathing, heart, brain, etcetera. So, your TDEE -15% (your daily calorie goal) is what you'll eat to lose weight. You WILL NOT eat back exercise calories, since that's already factored in (unless you have a big burn day where you net below your BMR--then, you should eat back enough exercise calories to at least NET your BMR. For example, if your BMR is 1581 and you burn 700 calories through exercise--you should eat at least 2281 calories to net your BMR).

    Hope that helps!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Eat more to weigh less? I like the way this sounds but I don't understand how this works. Could someone please explain the formula to me? I have looked through the other posts and can't seem to find the answer. I appreciate any and all responses. Thanks.

    The idea is you are eating more than an extreme deficit MFP would have given you if you picked Sedentary activity level and 2lb loss goal, and then did not follow the recommendation to eat back your exercise calories, leaving you at even more of an extreme deficit.

    So you eat more than that, but less than maintenance, and you still lose weight. As many find, just as much weight as they lost on extreme deficit, but getting all the improvements their exercise should be giving.

    For a spreadsheet to store your stats in, and pick your TDEE activity level, and see what your deficit would be. Link in this topic.