okay, how do we slim those hips?

I joined this group hoping to get tips on how to slim my hips. Okay so I've heard the bit about target slimming doesn't work and you have to lose fat all over but there must be something to help!

Lately I find myself looking at other women trying to determine if my hips are comparable - in general I *kitten* that they are bigger than most women my age and build/height etc.

I didn't ask to look like a fruit - delicious as pears might be! but really... how do we slim hips?


  • lorriedun
    lorriedun Posts: 3 Member
    Hi i'm lorraine and i'm pear shape and i have been trying to lose the fat on my hips and the top of my legs the tops of leg are bigger than my hips so i have been running, riding my bike 8.5 miles a day, zumba i tried the 30 day shred by i hurt shouder and had to stop that but i did start seeing results after just 5 days. So excerise is the key but beening pear shape i have lost all of my top half first which i'm not happy about.
  • BethW01
    BethW01 Posts: 20 Member
    I am right there with you on the pear shape. I love my curves but ugh need to slim down. I LOVE the Brazilian Butt Lift workout series. I found it on Beachbody but there is a workout program specific for Pear shaped people. Check it out. Good luck to you! I will keep you posted is I come across anything else.