paxil = weight gain?

giag09 Posts: 203 Member
hi i have gained about 5 lbs in 6 wks since i have been on paxil, i was put on it for anxiety attacks previously i was on lexapro for my ocd but it didnt help with the anxiety attacks that had started to appear.... i havent changed my eating habits and have been working out even more! anyone have any suggestions for alternatives to paxil without the weight gain that i can kinda discuss with my obgyn when i go and see her on thursday?!
ps i am a fit momma to a 3 1/2 yr old and 10 month old
27 yo
5'2 1/2
140 now!!! ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • trkinsley
    trkinsley Posts: 124 Member
    Paxil can definitely contribute to weight gain. All of the SSRIs can, even zoloft (sertraline) although it was originally marketed as weight neutral. They are better than the old MAO inhibitors with respect to the scale, but still... weight gain with these as well.

    I don't know if you've heard of a book called the diet cure, by Julia Ross... but she's very into amino acid supplementation to try and balance things out. You would need to coordinate it with your doctor to be safe, but I've gotten some benefit from it myself.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I'm on Paxil and didn't see a weight gain with it but I was already aware of that possible side effect so that could be why I didn't experience it.

    Initially, I was on Wellbutrin which is said to not affect your weight but I don't think it really helps with anxiety, which is why I eventually had to swtich to Paxil.
  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    Have you tried Wellbutrin? I am not sure if it would substitute in your particular case but it is reputed to be one without many ot the weight gain & sexual side effects of some of the others. I was diagnosed with mixed depression & anxiety & have been in it for several years.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I too started paxil about 6 weeks ago and have put on about 8 pounds since. I haven't change my eating habits too much, although I did have a vacation week in there where I didn't track, but I actually came back weighing less after the vacation, so I don't think that is the cause.

    I'm actually starting to think that it's not the paxil that's making me gain, it's the fact that because I have less anxiety, I'm not so hard on myself about food, and have been accepting bites at social occasions that I previously would have declined. Before I was so O.C.D. about my food I wouldn't even try one bite of something.

    So it might be the paxil, or it might be the fact that I'm allowing myself to enjoy food more now instead of letting my food control my life. The paxil definitely has made it harder for me to fall asleep though even though I'm more alert during the day when on it.