Monday :)

Spiceanne Posts: 88 Member
Hope everyone is as excited as I am for Monday :)

Everyone who has signed up on the spreadsheet, make sure the weight you have enter is the weight you want to start with, if it isn't enter your weight when you weight yourself monday morning. Also make sure the amount of weight you want to loose it correct and up to date.

Again the challenges for the week are as followed there have been some modifications to the original challenges:

There will be 5 exercise challenges to accomplish through the week on top of what you already do, you can accomplish them in any order you would like just as long as you accomplish all 5 of the challenges.
Challenge 1: Run 1 mile, walk 1 mile, or try to take some time of your 1 mile
Challenge 2: 4 rounds of 10 squats, 5 lunges, and 10 push ups
Challenge 3: Do a piece of cardio equipment you normally never do. I.e. if you normally bike, walk on the treadmill or use the elliptical
Challenge 4: Do 100 squats, 100 dips and 100 second of a plank. This one doesn't need to be done at one time but challenge yourself and attempt to do it at one time
Challenge 5: 50 burpees. Again this one doesn't need to be done at one time.

Along with the 5 exercise challenges there will 5 food related challenges:
Challenge 1: Drink 10 plus glasses of water
Challenge 2: Record every piece of food or liquid that you eat. It doesn't matter if it is one cracker record it all
Challenge 3: One day limit the amount of coffee you drink to 2 cups maximum or try to only drink black coffee or have no drinks other than water
Challenge 4: Try to eat under or as close to your calorie goal as possible, try to max this a day you normally would go over your calories or day where you are tempted to cheat
Challenge 5: Attempt to eat more than 110g of protein one day. An easy way to accomplish this is have some protein at every meal. If you are finding this a bit harder, feel free to look at my diary I have made it open to everyone to see.

Try to make a note of what challenge you are doing on what day, whether it be in the note section of your diary or on a discussion board. I will try to check up with people through the week to see how the challenge is going. If you feel like something isn't working, you feel like you are going to cheat or you just having a rough day feel free to send me a message I get them straight on my phone so I will do my best to message you back right away :)

On Friday the 21st I will post the second week challenges for everyone to see. If you have something you would like to challenge yourself with or the group feel free to message me and I will see what I can do to work it into the challenges.

Hope every one has a great weekend :)


  • Woo Hoo!! It's almost here!!

    Also, just wanna add, please do not change anything on the Chart... Meg has set it up perfectly and I think it needs to stay as is, with the only exception of Your Row with Your Name... Thx...

    I hope Everyone has a great weekend, as well, and Let's Kick Some @$$!!

  • MrzBlessedLady
    MrzBlessedLady Posts: 164 Member
    Awesome, Im ready!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,428 Member
    I'm ready to start!!! Monday is going to be a great day...a day when we will all make lifestyle changes that WILL last life long. We'll exercise more which is oh so important as we age. And we will make dietary changes that will support our exercise as well as support our health. Remember everyone..this isn't a diet we do for so long and then go back to our old behaviors..those behaviors got us in trouble!! Here's to the new improved us..a work in progress for the next 15 weeks!!
  • Can't wait to get started with this on Monday!
  • saybyebob
    saybyebob Posts: 39 Member
    I'm ready! Updated my current weight, increased my goal, got a workout buddy...going for ONEderland!
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    I can't wait for tomorrow! I've been slipping on the exercise side for a couple days, and I think this will help me get back on track. Bring on the challenges :)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,428 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! So today I decided to get my reduce coffee day over with :happy: I've had my two cups of coffee with skim milk and now I'll be drinking ice water all day long! I printed out the list of challenges for this week and I'm going to try and work through them early this week especially the exercise - I tend to get tired by the end of the week.

    Anyone who wants to be friends, go ahead and send me a request - it's motivational to stay in contact with fellow challenge members!!
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    I'm going to have a slow start as i'm battling bronchitis from this weekend and the doc says i can't do any over exertion until my cough is gone (boooo) so I spent all weekend restless at home and retaining water from the meds... hoping by mid week I can get into the exercise portion of things and until then at least keep up with the food goals...
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    Challenge 4: Do 100 squats, 100 dips and 100 second of a plank. This one doesn't need to be done at one time but challenge yourself and attempt to do it at one time

    Explain how many planks we're suppose to do. Is this 100- 1 second planks, if so then you can just hold plank pose for say 2 minutes and be done right? Am I interpretting this correctly?
  • sjingerso
    sjingerso Posts: 4 Member
    It is Monday! I am ready to begin this adventure. Truth be told, I've never been a part of a challenge like this so I'm very excited. Goal for this week is to exercise for 50 minutes before work ( I have a 1 hour comute, so I guess I set my alarm for 4:30 am)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,428 Member
    It is Monday! I am ready to begin this adventure. Truth be told, I've never been a part of a challenge like this so I'm very excited. Goal for this week is to exercise for 50 minutes before work ( I have a 1 hour comute, so I guess I set my alarm for 4:30 am)

    Let me know how that works for you. I have to leave home at 6:00 am for my hour commute too and never though I could possibly get up any earlier then I do now! I'd love to exercise in the morning, but I think I'd be too tired :)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,428 Member
    Challenge 4: Do 100 squats, 100 dips and 100 second of a plank. This one doesn't need to be done at one time but challenge yourself and attempt to do it at one time

    Explain how many planks we're suppose to do. Is this 100- 1 second planks, if so then you can just hold plank pose for say 2 minutes and be done right? Am I interpretting this correctly?

    Yes I believe Spiceanne said to do 1 - 100 second plank. I'm already doing 2 minute planks so I'm going to try to do a 150 second plank!
  • sjingerso
    sjingerso Posts: 4 Member
    I've been getting up for the last week or so and it's good to have the workout done. I have a X-Box360 Kinect, and have been doing Zumba Rush for about 50 minutes. Amazing the the Polar heart rate monitor that I have and this site calculate about the same calorie burn, right about 400 . I love it, but find I'm still sweating after I shower and get ready for work. I think I need to come up with a different hair style... totally flat by the time I get to work. :wink:

    I do hate to turn in at 9:00 or 9:30, but it's the only way I can get up.
  • LovelySammi
    LovelySammi Posts: 20 Member
    So ready!!! It's going to be such a busy week for me as it stands, so adding some challenges should be especially, well, challenging!!

    Good luck to you all!!! Feel free to add me if you're looking for another good addition to your friends list.
  • Spiceanne
    Spiceanne Posts: 88 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great Monday so far :)

    Has anyone attempted any of the challenges and if so which ones, and how do you feel?
  • Yes I actually just finished up squats, lunges, and push ups. If there is one exercise that I hate the most, it has to be LUNGES. But, always an upside… it does fantastic things.
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    I walk/ran 1 mile in 16:05 my best time ever...I hate running.
    I also did the 4 rounds of squats, lunges, push ups.

    So I can check two challenges off the lists.

  • Spiceanne
    Spiceanne Posts: 88 Member
    Tracy I completely agree with you about lunges but damn do they do good things for the legs and bum lol

    Vicki that is aways about your running time :) Good job. How did the squats, lunges and push ups feel?
  • I ended up changing my starting weight on the spreadsheet. I came back from vacation recently with some weight gain and that was the number I put on the spreadsheet as my starting weight. I've been kicking major *kitten* since I've been home and ended up losing 7 pounds over the last 9 days which is a pretty big drop.
  • Spiceanne
    Spiceanne Posts: 88 Member
    Way to go Walt, keep it up :)