second week stage 1 HRM results

reneelee Posts: 877 Member
Hello Ladies,

Wanted to share my experience with NROL4W.
I’m on week two of stage one, I wear a heart rate monitor while doing the exercise. My warm up is like Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, 30 seconds each jumping jacks, jump rope, jog with high kicks to butt, windmills. Then ten each direction hip circle butt sticking out in the back, pelvis sticking out in front of you and knee circles.
Doing this sends my heart rate way up, today I did plan B and 55 pound dead lifts I started at 50 this is my second day of plan B.
When first starting the program I would burn 106 calories in 30 minutes this includes warm up and a good body stretch afterwards. Today I burned 196 calories WootWoot!
Also today I did the 1st interval bike session with a ten minute stretch after and burned 110 calories. Loving the workouts! Still doing other things 2x’s a week zumba, kickboxing and yoga once a week. The only thing about the program that I’m not liking is retaining water and the scale creeping up a few pounds. I’m sure this will pass as my body gets used to the new routine.


  • ezavora
    ezavora Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I just ordered a HRM and the book and cant wait to get started. I've been doing cardio (running, swimming) for almost 3 months, and started weights about a month ago. I also do yoga and home body weight work outs. Ive been using the MFP calories burned but keep reading how inaccurate they may be. (Hence my purchase of a HRM) Ive been checking the old fashioned way (pulse count) and it seems that even though I am breathing really hard, my HR is counting in as pretty low. ????? It was nice to see you post some actual numbers. What are you stats? Age and weight? Im curious for a comparison. Im 41 and 145, wanting to be closer to 130.

    oh yeah, I'm 5'5"
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    I'm 47 and weight 159 I should weight 155, but since starting the lifting progam I'm retaining water. Would like to get down to 140, but have realized that is just a number and what I really want is to look good neked. : )

    Sorry I forgot my height 5' 5.5"