Help me step away from the ledge

Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
I can't afford a fitbit or a body bug. I am about to go into a bulk and will eat at a surplus. I am scared ****less and excited at the same time. You would think that after doing this for almost 2 years I would know what I am doing but I don't. I have lost 3 pounds in the last 17 months (wouhou impressive!!!!) I do not say I didn't gained muscle and lost fat....because I did, but when it come to know my TDEE.....I think it is 2000 calories but I am not sure......could be higher, could be lower. I really want to gain minimum fat as possible......I suck at eating at a deficit.

I hate not knowing and having an itchy visa card. Can't afford it!!!!

Hummm is there a question in the block of text? So I guess this a more of a rant......sorry about that

end rant


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Kiki is working without FitBit or Body Bugg.
    Maybe you want to shoot her a message, so she can explain to you of how she is doing it.
    She is starting a bulk in October too. There is actually a whole bunch of people starting the bulk together. Maybe you want to join the group.