Week of Sept. 17 through Sept. 23rd

How did you all do last week? Get those minutes in? Some of you did awesome. But, it really does not matter how many minutes, what matters is that we MOVE our bodies.
So this week how about we shoot for the stars. We do 60 minutes each day. That is just 10 minutes each time for 6 turns or do 5 minutes each time for 12 turns. It can be anything, walking around the house, shadow boxing, arm swings, marching in place, etc. You get the idea. Anything that makes movement. Can we do it???
I am in. How about the rest of you. It can be done.


  • Why is everybody so quiet:yawn: This rainy weather has me totally lazy....count me in:drinker:
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    I'm in :smile: . I didn't really want to work out on Gazelle (for toning/ cardio) today after my 45 minute walk on the DVD was finished, but I did anyway. Now I'm glad that I did now that I read this week's challenge.

    You are so right about it being about moving our bodies. Every bit, especially if it is regular exercise, helps so much. Back before April I would sometimes walk outside, and sometimes I went to Curves, and a lot of the time I did nothing. Until the end of March, 2012, that is, because my local Curves closed its doors and I knew that I was heading for big trouble if I didn't start moving and often. And immediately.
    That is when I discovered the LS walking exercise DVDs, then in June I found MFP, and now the Gazelle is dusted off.

    Thank you californiagir for making these challenge threads and to all who post for your inspiration :heart: .
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Ditto what Texas gardener said to Cal Girl. I appreciate your encouragement. Hope my 3 hours of golf works for today because I'm too tired to do more! I'll work hard to get 60 per day.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Good evening ladies, W/o on Gazelle (w strength intervals) for about 60 minute.

    Take care and sleep well :flowerforyou:
  • Kiris2
    Kiris2 Posts: 79 Member
    OK, Bestie 60 min per day and seven days.....gonna give it a try. :) LOL
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    So glad I checked in with the "group" this afternoon. I had forgotten about my pledge to exercise 60 minutes. Put on my walking shoes and out the door I went. Usually by this time of afternoon I'm on my couch watching a movie!
  • So glad I checked in with the "group" this afternoon. I had forgotten about my pledge to exercise 60 minutes. Put on my walking shoes and out the door I went. Usually by this time of afternoon I'm on my couch watching a movie!

    So glad that you did check in. Good for you for getting out there.
  • OK, Bestie 60 min per day and seven days.....gonna give it a try. :) LOL

    Yeah, glad you will give it a try. Remember just 5 minutes 12 times and you have it.
  • It took me almost all week to work up to it but I finally got there. That 60 minute goal was a great idea. I was hoping to do it in increments...did not go as planned but it is "going" and that is what counts.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    If I can do 45 min a day (at least 5 days a week) I can do 60. I'm generally up and down the stairs a lot, too, though I never count those minutes; I'm moving. I'm in at least 5 days a week.:wink:
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Wednesday: 70 minutes LS DVD.

    Have a good evening everyone :heart:

    texasgardnr :flowerforyou:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Gardening for 60 minutes and plan to do weights later this evening.:wink:
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Leslie Sansone walk DVD (focus on the tummy) and 30 min on the Gazelle. Thanks for the encouragement :-)
  • Yeah for everyone. Looks like you all are doing great. I break mine up, especially on the elliptical. I do 5 to 10 minutes then break and come back to it. Keep up the good work you all.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Over an hour working (playing :heart: ) in the garden.

    Enjoy your evening :flowerforyou:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Three hours on the golf course. It was hot so I got some "sweat equity".
  • Three hours on the golf course. It was hot so I got some "sweat equity".

    LOL, I love it "sweat equity" Too cute. And 3 hours on the golf course earns you that. Whew.
  • Over an hour working (playing :heart: ) in the garden.

    Enjoy your evening :flowerforyou:

    Good job and nice garden to boot
  • Just joined the group. Already can see having a group will keep me motivated.
  • Just joined the group. Already can see having a group will keep me motivated.

    Hi Tammi, welcome to our group. So glad to have you