Re-starting c25k from scratch

fitplease Posts: 647 Member
I got up to Week 5, Day 2 (if memory serves correct). But . . .

I let myself get sidetracked by spring allergies, so I stopped running. I expected to resume in the summer, but lost all motivation. (It is important to make yourself get out there no matter what!! So, I have no excuses.) I am going to re-start c25k this month. I will have to push myself in baby steps until I get out the door and start moving regularly again. My aim is to be running 5K by Christmas and to run throughout the winter, as I did last year. I will need to pre-plan for the spring, so my allergies don't sidetrack me again.

I would appreciate hearing stories from people who have re-started c25k to help motivate me. Please share. :-)


  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I am also re-starting C25K. I did the entire program a couple years ago and kept running for a while, but I got completely detoured this spring due to surgery. I decided to do C25K again to ease back into running. I don't know if I have anything to say to motivate, as I literally just re-started this morning, but I'll friend you and we can repeat our journey together! :D
  • Ajasper83
    Ajasper83 Posts: 107 Member
    I restarted in July after only doing 3 weeks last year. So I knew I'd have to start from scratch. Tomorrow I'll be on W6D2 and there is no going back now. I found that what motivated me was signing up for a 5k so that way you have a goal to look forward to at the end. Best of luck to you two!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I got to week 9 - then took about 2 months off. Restarted from day 1 today.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 610 Member
    I made it through and was running 5k in about 36 minutes. I took a few months off because I moved and didn't have anyplace to run. Now, I have a treadmill and I'm back at it. I'm on week 4 and loving it!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,327 Member
    I completed the program last year in that I ran the time but not fast enough to run 5K in the 30 minutes the program ends with so I began a program of interval training one day a week which is supposed to help increase speed and a day of increasing my time over 30 minutes. I had just made my real goal of being able to run around the 2.8 mile lake I had been walking before starting C25K minus my warm up walk and cool down walk when due to some stupid weight machines I had a knee injury. Since I am older and I didn't do the right things to heal it right away by trying to run too soon etc. it took a long time to heal. A while ago I tried and ran a half mile. It went well. Yesterday I started C25K again. I want to take this slow because I last time I began to love running and I want no injuries. I also found out in the process that I have arthritis in my knee but have never experienced any pain from it. So I am a week behind you but restarting too. Having completed the program it went much easier than before. I hope your restart continues to go well.
  • mayberry310
    mayberry310 Posts: 146 Member
    I tried it several years ago, and then just quit. I wasn't mentally ready. This July I was ready and while it was still tough at times, I pushed through and graduated. You can do it if you want it. It's really the best approach to running I've ever found.:smile: Best of luck!!

    Oh, by the way, the thing that helped me push through it... I signed up for 4 upcoming 5k's. Working towards that first 5k was a huge goal. Now I keep at it because I want to decrease my finish times.
  • My daughter is a memeber of Girls on the Run at her school. The "coach" sends the parents a newsletter once a week, and the first week, C25K was one of the programs they are using. She sent us this in hopes that parents would be the girls running buddies when they do their end of the season 5K. My daughter asks me everyday, "mom lets go run". She is 9 and was once a couch potatoe herself, but now she motivates me. Any and all suggestions on how to go into this the easy way to where I will not have muscle spasms in my legs would be greatly appreciated.

  • emckone24
    emckone24 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm re-starting starting today. I did the program last year and I was so happy with it. Signing up for a 5K was my biggest motivator and finishing was so rewarding because runnning has always been intimidating for me. I also found it helpful and fun to make a chart with every run and keep it on my fridge. Then I colored in the square when I completed the daily run. I was super proud everytime I colored in one of those squares.

    Running is out of my comfort zone mentally and this program is great for mental preparation because it starts with baby steps. I cringe at the thought of distance running and a 5K is distance running for me. What I love about this program is when the longer running intervals kick in during the later weeks, your body is already strong enough to handle them. That gave me the confidence to beat any mental obstacles I had with distance running.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    I also stopped running after completely C25K.

    When I restarted I started at like week 2 or 3, don't remember. And shortly after I started running again, my BFF asked if she could come running with me because she wanted to start running.

    So we got her fitted for shoes and I started over at week 1 day 1 with her. When she is unavailable on one of my run days, I keep going from the point that i restarted from. It actually seems to be going very well.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,327 Member
    I figured out that I am really restarting at week 2+ after being away from running for half a year or more. So far so good. Interval running with walking is great anyway so it is worth starting over for a friend.
  • msmollygp
    msmollygp Posts: 22 Member
    I had to restart mine as well. Last summer I suffered a work injury to my back and neck and it left me sidelined until a few months ago. I am just getting back to the C25k program and finished W2D1 today. You can do it! Take it one workout at a time!
  • lisamariebennett
    lisamariebennett Posts: 32 Member
    I restarted last week after taking 4 months off. (broke a toe, then didn't want to run in the 100 degree heat, don't like treamills)

    I am on week 2 and while it is still hard, it does not feel as hard as the first time. I remember the first week/first time being torture - felt like I was going to die/couldn't breathe.

    I was actually running 10/11 minute intervals (short as they were!) My intervals last time were at 13/14 minutes (closer to walking than running!) for the 20 minute runs.
  • mompjz
    mompjz Posts: 1
    I am new. Just starting to move around MyFitnessPal and saw this group. This has been a "one day I'm gonna" goal for me for years. Gonna try to find the plan now...
  • Hi! I'm new... Can anyone explain exactly what we are supposed to do in this group? Is there a specific schedule?
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    To mompjz and strawberysky - this group is for people following the 'Couch to 5k' (C25K) program from Cool Running. The links below have the program schedule and lots of other great info. Everyone's at different points in the program, so jump in whenever you're ready! We're all here to help and support!

    Happy running!
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I loved re-reading this thread! Thank you for the motivation! :-)