Replacement for Pulldowns/Chinups

Shfiftyfive Posts: 261
edited December 2024 in Social Groups
I'm trying to find a replacement for Chin-Ups since I can't do them (even with a lot of assistance weight it seems). I can do Pulldowns, but the point of this thread is that I'm wanting to cancel the gym membership (it bores/annoys me) and just workout with my weights and stuff and home. However, I need something to replace the Lat Pulldown since I do not have one of those machines. I was thinking of ways I could maybe mimic it on the cheap, but if I could just use a dumbbell or barbell exercise instead, that would be 10x better. So, whatcha got?


  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    one arm db rows. Make sure the wrist is angled forward and it really hits the lats.

    Also, do these on you're power rack.
  • Good info, but I probably haven't clearly illustrated my strength/weight ratio. I do about a 115lb. 5x10 Lat Pulldown Chinup Grip, and weight ~350-360lb. I just tried both of those, and with the negative, I just dropped straight down, and I could barely just hang (No movement).

    I'll definitely do the rows. Would barbell rows work as well?
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Barbell rows are good. Also check out inverted rows. They may be what you are looking for.
  • Barbell rows are good. Also check out inverted rows. They may be what you are looking for.

    Inverted Rows were also something I was unable to do. I probably need to stick to incrementally loadable movements for now because my back definitely can't lift my bodyweight no matter what way I seem to try it.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Definitely work hard on the DB and BB rows. Then see if you can bring your lat strength up enough to do pullups or assisted pullups at some point.

    Get you a couple bands from Elite too. I think you can get a long way with heavy rows and some band pull aparts.
    I do pullups 1x per week, but don't have access to a pulldown machine. And I'm still adding a lot to my deads w/o them.
  • There isn't really a replacement for chin ups in my opinion. They're such a good exercise and I'd focus on trying to lose a little weight if your struggling with bodyweight exercises, or just keep trying hard with the forced negatives.

    You can use a chair. Place one leg on it to help push you up to the bar and lower you down. As you get stronger just don't use your leg as much and slowly wean off it good luck..
  • There isn't really a replacement for chin ups in my opinion. They're such a good exercise and I'd focus on trying to lose a little weight if your struggling with bodyweight exercises, or just keep trying hard with the forced negatives.

    You can use a chair. Place one leg on it to help push you up to the bar and lower you down. As you get stronger just don't use your leg as much and slowly wean off it good luck..

    In case you missed it (as it seems you did), I have over 100lb. to lose and CANNOT do negatives (I've tried.) Saying I should "try to lose a little bodyweight" seems to miss the point.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I'd stick with whatever rows you can do then for the time being. Could you do any of the anti shrugs? They're pretty tough.

    As the weight comes off, the chins will come :smile:
  • I'd stick with whatever rows you can do then for the time being. Could you do any of the anti shrugs? They're pretty tough.

    As the weight comes off, the chins will come :smile:

    No I couldn't. However, since the Elitefts Pro Bands were on sale this weekend, I got a bunch of them, and found a way to do Lat Pulldowns with them and a barbell, so this isn't so much of a dilemma anymore.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Hey, I was just going to say that you can "scale" inverted rows by playing with the angle of your body in the starting position.

    Anyways, sounds like you found options already!
  • Yeah I did miss that part. Well when I lost a couple of stone I found full body workouts were the best along with cycling. Good luck any how.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Be sure to do Pendlay Rows over BB rows as they'll work your lats more. Also, as said, DB rows, they'll help your grip no end for when you can start doing assisted pull ups
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Put a bar over two chairs or something. Reach up and do pulls up from a sitting position. With some weight on the ground, you won't have to pull up the full amount.

    Or by one of those cheap pull bars that go accross your door way and put it lower
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    There really is no good substitute for chin-ups, IMO. There are a variety of ways to do them assisted until you can do body-weight (there's no shame in not being able to do body-weight chins... it took me almost a year to be able to do them when I started getting in shape)

    1) Chair (easiest/cheapest). Use your legs to give the minimal amount of assistance you need to do the chins.
    2) Resistance bands (you loop the band over the top and put it between your legs and/or stand on it). They make bands up to 175 lbs of resistance, and if that isn't enough, you can use multiple bands. Great option for home gym.
    3) Weight-assist machine (best option). Relies on having access to one of these. I found one for dirt cheap on craigslist. YMMV.
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