tawnierose's Sept - Dec 2012 Round 1 - Classic



  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Dreaded new years resolutions! ha I hope I don't "need" any regarding physical fitness this year :)

    I have to say with all the hard work I'm putting in on P90X I'm starting to get a lot of wishful thinking about abs and a six pack lol. Maybe if I don't make it this round but get good fat loss results I will have a resolution to do a 2nd round!
  • tawnierose
    I don't tend to make resolutions either.. I disappoint myself enough that I don't need to add to it. ahah

    Really tho.. I'm pushing myself so hard to stay on track. I WANT this! I know for sure after this round I'll NEEDto put in another to get closer to what I aspire to also! Maybe a hybrid.. maybe a diff program.. who knows at this point.
  • tawnierose
    Wishing the scale would go down again.. Popped up again a few days back.. but still on track!

    10 days down in program! Actually strung together enough in a row to make it to double digits! ;)

    Started drinking green tea yesterday.. not really a fan of coffee or tea.. but for the added health benefits of green tea I'm going to give it a go! Plus I have 79 more bags haha

    10 down, 80 to go!

    I CAN do this. :)
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member

    10 days down in program! Actually strung together enough in a row to make it to double digits! ;)

    10 down, 80 to go!

    I CAN do this. :)

    Congratz on the double digits!!! That was a big milestone for me as my previous P90X restarts never even made double digits. Be proud of hitting double digits. It is hard work!

    I was so excited I made a separate post about it here. Now I can't wait for next Tuesday to hit day 30!! now that will really be something.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Congrats on hitting day 10.
  • tawnierose
    I don't know what it is about me but I failed yesterday.

    Walked to Mcdonalds and got a Big mac meal. Why? No clue! I think I'm afraid of success.. really truly.

    I do well.. then sabotage my efforts.

    It's such a struggle. I need to work on my head! It gets so tiring fighting myself constantly. I just don't know what to say. Wanted to at least be accountable and fess up.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    What I always tell my players when they make a mistake, is to use that feeling next time as energy to do better.

    Its over, can't change it, move on.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Hey Tawnierose how is it going?
  • tawnierose
    Dude sent me a pm so I thought I'd pop back over for a check in.

    I do not enjoy P90X. It bores me. I'm a fan of Tony H... but not listening to him over and over every day. Even going with just music and cues.. I just don't like him.. he doesn't motivate me at all. I just don't want to do it. I also have insanity and enjoy listening to Shaun T. He seems motivating to me.. so today I did my first fit test. Thought I'd share my results here too. It KILLED me. haha Seriously felt like I was going to be sick.. but I guess that just means I was giving my best right? ;)

    Switch kicks - 86
    Power jacks - 47
    Power knees - 66 (in future I'm going to pause the DVD and do the left side too.. seems odd to only do one side!)
    Power jumps - 30 (these were HARD! had to really push at the end to squeeze out the last 5 to make 30!)
    Globe jumps - 8
    Suicide jumps - 12
    Pushup jacks - 13 (these KILLED me.. Def hope to see improvement here!)
    Low planks 41

    I didn't want to put anyone off by saying I was "quitting".. but I'm also sorry for not explaining myself. I'll be back with updates tho!

    And Dude? You are doing amazing! The daily check ins and progress pics were/are great! I envy your dedication.. And thank you for checking on me from time to time.. it's nice when someone cares enough to enquire. Keep up the great work and be careful with that slight injury thing you have going on right now! :)