Week 2 (9/19 - 9/25) Mini Challenges - Jump Jump & Salt

Hello MFP Fam!

I hope everyone had a great first week of the 10 Week Trim Challenge. If you take a look at Week 1 mini-challenges post, you’ll see we’ve got some serious Rockstar’s in this challenge. Great job everybody! I know I didn’t meet the challenge everyday but seeing those that worked hard for it last week has inspired me to get it in gear this week.
As mentioned in last week’s mini-challenges post, I’d like to undertake both a food and exercise challenge each week. So, here are the mini-challenges for week 2.

Jumping Jack’s were suggested for a exercise mini-challenge and I loved the idea. They are great for kicking up that heart rate and can be done as a warm up to your current exercise plans. Plus, there are a bunch of variations to the jumping jack which keeps them from becoming boring and can increase their difficulty if you’re so inclined. So, this week, do a jumping jack or two every day and try to increase the number and or/time spent doing them day by day. If you’re unaware of the multiple variations to the traditional jumping jack, just Google it and try a few of them out. Share your favorite or least favorite with us here!

Let’s talk sodium… This is a particularly difficult area for me because I’ll admit, I like my salty foods, and sadly, it’s more often than not that my sodium number is an unsightly red when I look at my daily figures. I don’t think I’m alone in this struggle. So the food mini-challenge for week 2 is to see how many days in the next week we can stay under our MFP sodium goal. Now, I’m not sure what the default daily mg sodium setting is or if it’s different based on your macros or calorie goals so I’m not going to specify a certain number of mg’s here. I’m only going to say to challenge yourself to keep your daily sodium intake under or at your goal. *Edited to add - If you've found lower sodium solutions, this would also be a great place to share your findings. Let's help each other out!:flowerforyou:

Again, take on one challenge, take on both or take on neither. It’s completely up to you.
If you have any suggestions, ideas and/or recommendations for weekly food or exercise mini-challenges, please PM me. I’m all ears!

Thanks everyone! I hope you all have an awesome week and of course, don’t forget to log your weight in the weigh-in spreadsheet.


  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    OMG....I was just thinking about my sodium intake the other day. High blood pressure runs in my family and I am shocked by the amount of sodium in foods that you would not consider to be a culprit. I am really into the green giant fresh steamers....they are full of sodium!!!!!!!!! Good choice....we can conquer this.
  • hmaer6
    hmaer6 Posts: 11 Member
    What is the weigh-in spreadsheet?
  • nofailureallowed
    I'm in for the jumping jacks! Hate/Love relationship lol
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 273 Member
    I don't put salt in my food, but I do notice that foods I eat already have a lot of sodium in it. I find that puts me in the red almost everyday. :sad: :huh: :cry: :frown: :grumble: :angry: :mad: :noway:
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 273 Member
    What is the weigh-in spreadsheet?

    It's where you weigh in once a week. Here is where you go if you like to record your weight for the challege. You can also check out the post for week one and it will explain it there.
  • brandi_69
    brandi_69 Posts: 51 Member
    hey guys,

    I just thought u should know that there is evidence based practice going on in the sodium and hypertension area of cardiac health. it is being proven that having limiting sodium levels does NOT prevent high blood pressure. the body has natural buffer systems that cause u to sweat to reduce the amount of sodium in the body. i have heard this theroy multiple times and i have seen cases where a person actually has too low of levels of sodium in the body and yet they still have edema (swelling) and high blood pressure.....just thought u salt lovers would like that info...:wink:
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    hey guys,

    I just thought u should know that there is evidence based practice going on in the sodium and hypertension area of cardiac health. it is being proven that having limiting sodium levels does NOT prevent high blood pressure. the body has natural buffer systems that cause u to sweat to reduce the amount of sodium in the body. i have heard this theroy multiple times and i have seen cases where a person actually has too low of levels of sodium in the body and yet they still have edema (swelling) and high blood pressure.....just thought u salt lovers would like that info...:wink:

    I think I love you. That is interesting. Thanks for sharing. I'd like to watch it for me because the less salt, the less water I retain and the less I want to throw my scale out the window :wink:
  • kristilynne84
    I've noticed HUGE differences in how I feel about my body depending on how much salt I've had! The water challenge last week was great (I got 8 glasses in most days, except for maybe one! yay!) so this is a nice follow-up to that!!! Gotta flush out all that water-hogging salt, eh?

    Thanks so much for doing this, this challenge is great!
  • kristilynne84
    Good point! The body is amazing, isn't it? I am guessing they don't mean eating Taco Bell every day with 17,000 gms of sodium, eh? :)

    Also for you water lovers out there--along the same lines....I'm a nurse and studying advanced practice nursing (to be a certified nurse-midwife) and I have learned some related things about sodium and water.....like the fact that "water intoxication" can happen if you drink TOO much water! Water is GREAT but if you get too much it flushes out/overwhelms the sodium in your body and then you get "hyponatremia", which basically is too much water in your body that causes illness (nausea/vomiting, headaches, confusion, etc).

    So, please DO drink LOTS of water--but like anything, don't totally over do it! Drink when you're thirsty, try to drink mostly water, aim for the approximate 8 glasses of water daily, and if your urine stays light yellow you're probably plenty hydrated! :)

    OK now back to studying for finals........this is more fun.......oh, well! I should probably try to graduate (haha!), so I guess I'll focus on my books for a while! ;)
  • kristilynne84
    Aw dang my last comment was supposed to above under the conversation about sodium and blood pressure. Guess I need to learn how to use this here site properly....sorry if the above comment seems out of context! :)
  • bfonju
    I'm very sensitive to much sodium intake that I know I don't over consume salt. . . Yehhh :wink: If not for my husband who occasionally brings snacks at home, I cook with little salt and that's it: not a significant amount come to think of it. And also for the "jump jump" challenge i am already engaged in too many jumping activities so far in my Insanity workouts-began in July 16. My knees are in fact deteriorating from Insanity jump rope workouts, power jacks, basketball squads, suicide jumps etc; and I don't want to list all of them.

    So the good news is 7 days to go with Insanity, then hopefully 1 week rest; and should start with a hybrid of Les Mills Pump, P90X, & Insanity all again.
    Super exhaustive....

    Good luck in all you do to meet your weight loss goals; and goodnight ladies.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    had to actually add sodium to my diary so I could check out my levels.....was happy to see that today I was good.lol. too afraid to look at the other days! Love these mini challenges. They help me focus on somethings I prob wouldn't normally. Didn't do the jumping jacks today.......except for the ones in the 30 day shred video. Luckily got my workout in before we had no power for hours. Just seeing this around 11pm(live in WA state) and while I'd like to do some just to have some in for the day, I just don't want too! lol
  • highflyer88
    highflyer88 Posts: 148 Member
    Last week I did great on my water each day but I didn't get as mucj exercise due to a recurring foot injury. This week I am going to attempt to get myself on track and step it up as best I can. I too do not add salt to my fdood but have yet to see it in the black for me. I am going to try and see if coking at home more often will help fix this problem and less prepackaged foods should help. I'm not sure what I can do as far as the jumping jacks but I am going to try and see how it goes. I have always loved them! Crazy I know but I have fun with them!
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    Starting off, early. I really do not like jumping jacks.....

    25 done..
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
  • TraeP
    TraeP Posts: 68 Member
    Will try to get 25 done this evening, I am not a jumping jack kinda of girl but, I do it for my health!!!
  • BridgetForFitness
    Starting off, early. I really do not like jumping jacks.....

    25 done..

    Jumping Jacks aren't my favorite either. But I'll get some done tonite.
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    did 30 jumping jacks after my workout today. as for the salt....was surprised I went over. Really going to have to pay attention. didn't go extremly over or anything but my hands swelled a little which caused me to look after I logged my day.
  • BridgetForFitness
    Starting off, early. I really do not like jumping jacks.....

    25 done..

    Jumping Jacks aren't my favorite either. But I'll get some done tonite.

    Wed, Sept 19th: 50 Jumping Jacks
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    How did the first day of this weeks mini-challenges go for everyone?

    I was able to to stay under my sodium goal by 351 mg yesterday. So I had 2149 mg out of 2500. YAY me! Plus, I didn't add any additional salt to my foods which I usually do with little abandon. So I'm pretty confident the 2149 mg is an accurate reflection of my sodium consumption yesterday... a first since starting MFP.

    I also did 100 jumping jacks.

    Hope everyone has a great almost Friday!