I'm New!

My eating habits, with or without MFP, seem to be- eat very little a few days and then binge for a day or two. This happens even if I don't care or think about weight and fitness, it's just my natural state. I've been trying to up my calories and for myself to eat the same amount everyday but it is very difficult! Should I force myself to eat even if I feel totally satiated? Today for example, I've only net 800, not even close to the 1400 I'm trying to net but I can't imagine eating that much more food tonight. But I know that tomorrow or the next day I'll be extremely hungry and snacky and net probably around 1500 just fine, more likely even higher. How do I break this habit and eat a steady calorie amount each day?


  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    First of all, welcome!! :smile:

    Secondly, they key is consistency. But if you have to increase your calories slowly, then so be it. Some of us can jump up to a higher number no problem and some of us have to take baby steps.

    Eat when you're hungry but also make sure you're being as consistent as possible. Netting 800 one day and then netting 1400 the next day is only going to confuse your body, which is probably causing you to binge.

    Try this...eat every 2-3 hours. As you increase your calories and your body begins to trust that you will feed it good, healthy foods on a regular basis, your appetite will kick in and your metabolism will fire up. And then you won't have any trouble forcing yourself to eat because your body will be hungry and want that food!!