What do your meals look like?

bahacca Posts: 878 Member
In my never ending research, I have discovered that while I'm staying under on calories, my macros were WAY out of whack for what my goals are. I need a buttload more protein. I need to go shopping on Thursday, so I need to add lots of protein rich foods. I have eggs, salmon, canned tuna and cheese on my list. I have Spirutein powder I can start using again, though I'd prefer to go without powders. I know peanut butter is a popular protein source as well.
Also advice on keeping carbs down. I LOVE me some rice, quinoa and pasta. I also have a major sweet tooth which I usually satisfy with fruit/smoothies. So any suggestions in the sweet arena is appreciated as well.


  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    eggs salmon and cheese are great, but they have a lot of fat so it's not easy to up protein eating them.
    to up your protein eat loads of chicken breast (I have 1 chicken breast every day for lunch), turkey breast, tuna and other lean fishes, lean meet ( fe lean ham), greek yogurt, cottage cheese.
    Salmon and eggs are really healthy so also eat them, but keep fat in check.

    From what I see in your diary sometimes whole meal has practically no protein,
    fe sunday
    Mcdonald's - Side Salad W/ Newman's Own Ranch Dressing, 3.1 oz 190 13 15 2 6 6
    Farmer's market - Pita Bread, 1 piece 110 0 0 0 0 0
    Farmer's market - Sauces-hummus, eggplant, etc, 6 tablespoons 150 0 0 0 0 0

    make sure each meal has some, it will be easier to reach the goal at the end of the day.

    And basically have more same food you have but in different proportions,
    fe Monday
    Veg - Broccoli - Steamed (Nothing Added), 1/2 c 25 5 0 3 1 0
    Homemade - Steamed Green Cabbage, 1 cup 50 10 0 4 0 0
    Rice - White, medium-grain, cooked, 1.5 cup 363 80 1 7 0 1
    Generic - Medium Grilled Shrimp, 6 pieces 35 0 0 27 0 0
    Soy Vay - Veri Veri Teriyaki Sauce, 4 tbsp (15 g) 140 24 4 0 20 0

    try half cup of rice and 12 shrimps
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Peanut butter has some protein, but not much when you look at the amount of other stuff in it......you're taking in a lot of cals just to get 6-8 grams.

    I'm usually fairly low carb during the day so :
    Coffee w/ coconut milk when I wake up

    2-3 Eggs w/ some bacon about 2 hours later

    lean meat + green beans for lunch. I'll usually do lean burger, fish, or chicken. sometimes tuna salad.
    another lean meat or a simple salad. just chicken, lettuce, (other veggies if you want, I'm picky), a little cheese. If you're doing dressing do something like olive oil and vinegar.

    I start carbing up after dinner but if you're trying to keep things fairly light just have a meat with a carb source. quinoa, rice, pasta, etc.
    I like carbs so I understand things being hard to limit at first. Just get yourself used to making it through the day without them, then reward yourself a bit after you excercise. Just try to hit your macro goals.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Thanks so much!
    I still had my usual sunrise bar this morning out of habit and went DOH!! I then had sausage and an egg. I have salmon typically 1x per week and tilapia 1x per week-just ran out of tilapia(I buy the flavored ones at Costco. I need to check carbs in them since they are lightly breaded). I need to finish up the hamburger I have and buy ground turkey instead. I also need to find a good cottage cheese. I think from looking at my diary before it was the 1.5% fat from TJs I actually liked. SOme of them have a nasty texture to them I cannot handle. I have a container like that now I just opened. Going to look for a shake recipe or something to hide the taste so it isn't wasted!LOL

    ilovedeadlift: Is there a reason you use coconut milk and not regular milk? I know there is only 1g of protein in coconut milk(I LOVE me some coconut milk, though. Just wondering if there is a method to the madness)
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I use the no sugar added coconut milk. so it's completely carb free. I typically have a bit in my coffee, and an 8 oz cup of it during the day at some point. It's got good fats in it, and doesn't add any carbs to my mornings.

    I think you're fine with ground beef. I just usually try to get 85/15 , 93/7, or 90/10.
    Most of the ground turkey I've seen around here is 85/15 so it's not really any better, I just use it in some recipes for something new.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Awww=I'll have to check out the no sugar added.
    AND-I'm already over my fat allowance with breakfast:noway: I'm going to have to relearn what is in the stuff I eat! I've strictly been watching calories, so this is new for me. Thanks for helping me out!