First Annual MFP Power Lifting Competition held at...



  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    I'll post vids when the vid guy uploads them.

    Nice, I imagine you will be the man to beat
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    225 lb bench press tonight

    very slow. is it considered valid?

    p.s., is it ok to post the lifts as they are recorded, or better to wait till they're all recorded and then make 1 reply with all of them?
  • Udail51
    Udail51 Posts: 35 Member
    I looked at the lift one time at full speed. Like you would have to judge one. I may have missed something but that happens when you get to view stuff over and over in super slow mo.

    The speed of it looked fine. The side angle is hard to tell about your lockout and if you became motionless on your chest. Feet and butt looked fine, may have been an uneven lockout with the right arm slow.

    Overall, the lift looked good, from the angle the video was taken I would give it a white light.
  • Udail51
    Udail51 Posts: 35 Member
    @TASO about your squat. You needed more depth, not alot but still need to get down some more. There may be many different things that will help you get there. Other angles are needed to make good suggestions. One thing is try to keep a more up right posture. (I am very bad about this ... too many years doing "football" squats.)
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Bench looked fine Taso. The lockout looked fairly even, and i didn't see the bar move downward.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    225 lb bench press tonight

    very slow. is it considered valid?

    p.s., is it ok to post the lifts as they are recorded, or better to wait till they're all recorded and then make 1 reply with all of them?

    Look good out of the hole but during the meet, the judges will ask you to pause the lift right when you get to the bottom. So you can't bounce the bar off your chest. Not that you did that. But you have to wait until they say "lift" before you go back up.
  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    weigh in photo

    1 st squat

    1st bench

    missed my heavy DL this week will get on the board next week
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    squat depth was good. sunk it
  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    squat depth was good. sunk it

    yeah cant see any point leaving any doubt :)
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    Nice work guys. Ill have some vids up in the coming weeks. :)
    Looking for 150kg sq, 105kg b, 227kg DL. At ~90kg bodyweight
    see how i go!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I'd say Taso's squat was good, just on parallel it seems to me. And yep, need to pause the bench but unless you've got someone to call it for you that's not really possible.
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    First squat attempt: 525 lbs

    Weigh in: 351 lbs

  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Everyone is posting squats in the 300s.
    KiltFu steps up and posts a 525 pound double. holy ****
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    Everyone is posting squats in the 300s.
    KiltFu steps up and posts a 525 pound double. holy ****

    300 lbs when you weight 150 is more impressive to me than 525 at 350. Double your bodyweight vs. 1.5x - to match, I'd have to lift 700, and that's a LONG ways away, if I even get that far.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    it doesnt really convert like that in reality though once you get that high imo.

    a 500lb squat is strong. regardless of bodyweight.
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    it doesnt really convert like that in reality though once you get that high imo.

    a 500lb squat is strong. regardless of bodyweight.

    I'm still trying to wrap my head around Wilks formula and things like that - still a newbie at this whole powerlifting thing.

    But that's okay - I've still got the bench to do, and that's where I shine.... like mud.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    300 lbs when you weight 150 is more impressive to me than 525 at 350. Double your bodyweight vs. 1.5x - to match, I'd have to lift 700, and that's a LONG ways away, if I even get that far.

    Don't hate on your lifts man.
    Once you hit certain numbers, no one (other than haters) is going to give two ****s about Wilks.
    A 600 pound raw squat is impressive rather you're 165 , 242, or a 308.

    525 for a double is pretty damn strong either way you look at it.
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    525 @ 351.5 = 130.6 WILKS
    475 @ 190 = 140.8 WILKS
    300 @ 150 = 104.3 WILKS

    If you're doubling 525, the 1RM should be damn impressive.
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    I just want to say thanks for your support - as I said before, I've just started lifting (and working with others who actually know how to lift properly) a few months ago, so I'm still fuzzy of how I stood on the average. If it's not obvious, I'm not a "ripped" kind of guy - my six-pack is more of a wine barrel :D - so I feel like the fat kid on the side of the field most of the time.

    With your comments, I'm actually getting more inspired to try entering a local competition - once I get a total over 1300, I'll give it a go.
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    I just want to say thanks for your support - as I said before, I've just started lifting (and working with others who actually know how to lift properly) a few months ago, so I'm still fuzzy of how I stood on the average. If it's not obvious, I'm not a "ripped" kind of guy - my six-pack is more of a wine barrel :D - so I feel like the fat kid on the side of the field most of the time.

    With your comments, I'm actually getting more inspired to try entering a local competition - once I get a total over 1300, I'll give it a go.

    Don't wait to compete. It's a great experience no matter what your total is and you will be able to apply what you learn to better your training.