OK, I Just Might Cry (Injury)

kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
I did my 5th workout today. I LOVE this program and for the first time ever in my life, I'm excited about getting up at the crack of dawn to go workout. HOWEVER... I am no spring chicken and the other day I realized my knee was hurting. I have never had knee/joint/pain issues, so I figured it would go away witha day of rest. Well today, during my squats (upped the weight to 65 lbs), my knee hurt during the squat. And it hurt during the step ups. Not searing pain, but definitely something that feels like an issue I need to address.

I'm going to call the doc to be sure, but I don't want to stop this program! I'm bummed and hoping everything will magically feel better by Friday. My husband told me not to lift again until I've seen the doctor. The pain is just to the right of my kneecap. I suspect I pulled or strained something. I hate being top heavy! LOL I also have not been exercising for like 3 years (prior to that was very active), so maybe I was too gung ho with with my cardio/running in the beginning.

How many of you actually got your doctor's OK before starting this program? I feel like such a fuddy duddy. But I guess I have to now. :(


  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I didn't see a doctor before starting this program. I just made sure my form was perfect during each and every workout. If your form isn't perfect, drop the weight down until it is.

    When you squat your knees must remain behind your toes. Ideally you're sticking your butt back far enough so your toes remain over your ankles.

    When you have 10 minutes, watch this video for common mistakes while squatting. Hope you heal soon!

  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 574 Member
    Definitely rest it. It's not the end of your lifting. I took a full 3 weeks off with a shoulder injury and just finished stage one with a good, strong shoulder. I'm sure it was because I allowed it to heal. Call your doctor and feel better!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I discussed the program with my chiropractor since I've been seeing him for low back/hip problems for almost nine years now. He made sure my form was good and made me take a week off when my hips got wonky again. I would never ask my primary care doctor for permission. She is unschooled in exercise other than her own experience, so I cannot trust her advice in that department. Plus, she usually throws a prescription at me rather than trying to fix the issue some other way.

    Which knee? And the inside or outside of the kneecap? I would definitely rest until I could see my Doctor or chiropractor if my knee was bothering me enough to affect my workouts.
  • Definitely rest it and see your doctor if it doesn't get better. I used to have some knee issues and they got much better when I strengthened my legs and hips. Not to say that's your issue, but it was encouraging to see my knees improve as I got stronger. I always have to be careful during squats to keep my knees out (they like to turn in which causes problems). Hopefully it's just a small tweak that will get better with some ice and relaxation! Let us know what happens :)
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    I agree. I have knee problems and was scared to do heavier weights (I'm 53 and used to lifting) until years ago from doing lunges the wrong way and too fast screwed my knee up. With patience and attention to form and moving slower, I can't believe I was able to squat 70lbs today (stage 1 Ex A #5) but I have to go real slow. I also found that whenever I run on my treadmill or jog is when my knee starts hurting. I just started doing squats with no weight and not going down so low and slowly working weights back in.
    And I won't even talk about lunges, I hate them but Monday when I did Ex B4 , they felt pretty good but I have yet to go over 10lb dumbell. Maybe Friday I'll get bold and see how many I can do if I up the weight. Stay tuned.

    Hang in there and good luck at the doc.