can you recommend a HRM or HRM features?

Do you guys have recommendations for specific HRMs, or features that are helpful?
I have a watch one but I don't think it's that great and it's annoying to use.


  • ezavora
    ezavora Posts: 59 Member
    which one do you have? I just bought a used on on ebay, Polar F11, its about 5 years old but works great. I only bought that one because it was cheap and had free shipping. (i cant buy one where I live) But I've found I really like it. Its waterproof which is a plus for me since I like to swim. It also has the ability for me to program in my own goals for workouts. I like this feature, I can even name them. I have programed in "weight lifting" "HIIT" and "Run/Swim" I can also program into each one the target heart rate i want for each, which is great since they are all different. It will test your current heart rate before each workout and adjust accordingly to make sure you are working for your selected zone. This is my first HRM so Im not sure what others are like, but for $45 Im totally happy with this one.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I got the Polar F6 about four or five years ago. Only changed the battery ONCE! It's great. I'm sure there are tons of cool features I'm not utilizing, but I honestly just turn on the heart rate monitor during exercise, use it to keep a check on my heart rate (taking it up if it's too low, bringing it down if it's too high), then log the calories burned after exercise. It has been the best tool I've ever invested in. It was a little over $100, but SO worth it. I've gotten my money's worth many times over.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I have the polar FT7, had to get something with a chest strap to get a better HR reading.. been using it a few weeks and its a nice tool to get an idea of the calorie burn
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Polar FT40 and I am loving it