Need Eating Advice

HELP! I am SO confused! I run 3 days per week (usually 35 mins), lift 2 days per week (one hour with personal trainer), do yoga one day, and then give myself a rest day. I would say my lifestyle is at least moderately active because besides the workouts, I walk to/from/around campus daily. The walk to the gym alone is 4 blocks. My BMR is 1550 and my TDEE is 2490. How much should I be eating? Also, should I be upping the protein since I want to build strength? If so, how much is the right amount? As you all can tell, I am so confused because there are so many resources saying different things out there. I want to lose fat; I don't want to lose muscle. HELP!


  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    eat at small deficit (TDEE -10 to 20%)

    1 g of protein per lbs of Body Weight

    the rest of calories should be mix of fats and carbs, you can aim for 0.5g of fats per lbs of BW
    altough I belive that when you cut fat does not really matter, so you can just each as much as you like, minimum of 0.3g per lbs of BW