Diabetes: Fat and Fit, or Thin and Unfit

An article in the New York Times,http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/18/health/research/more-data-suggests-fitness-matters-more-than-weight.html?emc=tnt&tntemail1=y, discusses research, or a study of research findings, that suggest it is better to be fit and "heavy" then to be thin and unfit. So maybe we need all of us diabetic MFP folk, need to look more at your exercise numbers then the numbers on the scale.


  • Cameo530
    Cameo530 Posts: 155 Member
    Well, I know that for me at least, the addition of even a little exercise in a day really makes a difference to my BG levels, and since I'm worried about those more than the number on the scale (though obviously I'd like the scale number to keep moving down) I'll agree that exercise is really important.
  • NotThePest
    I dropped 50lbs since being diagnosed with type II back in 2001. I'm 5'3" and 132 pounds and workout (Circuit Train, aka Boot Camp; Zumba, Step Aerobics, High Intensity Cardio six days a week. However, if I skip 3/4 days on the fifth day, my blood glucose numbers go sky high so for me, I know that it's being and staying fit that has made the difference. Of the Three Legged Stool in my Diabetes control, exercise is the strongest leg.
  • wcucats77
    I have been strict with my diet since August 9 and lost 13 pounds. No medication, but my testing numbers have been the following;

    1. Doctors office 91, every week since has been in the following range 84-93. I did test one early morning fasting and the number was 121. Any thoughts to why this is?

    Doctors office after getting news of fasting number of 101 and A1C of 6.5. First time ever A1C over 5.8. Does anyone think it is possible to get A1C numbers in 3 months back in the 5 range, or does it take longer? Remember no meds, strict diet carbs 120-148 and intense exercise.

    Thanks in advance for any response, it is very appreciated.