Hot By Halloween Week 1 :READ/LOG:

xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
Hey Everyone!!!

Hope your all ready for this 1st week... Make sure to log here and keep active within the group....

Theres two reasons for keeping active ONE you make great friends! and TWO... IT MAY BE WHAT WINS YOU THE PRIZE! :)

Btw my Names Colleen, Coll, Yumz whatever you wanna call me :D Im from Long Island NY But in the next 6months I hope to be living in Colorado with my whole family!

Introductions are best!


  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member

    Im glad this was created because I needed a little push to keep me going, I've been stuck at one weight for a few weeks now and I know its because I haven't been as active.

    So Im at 187lbs and 5'5.5"

    When I first joined this site I was 222 and I went back and forth and I finally got it through my head and its clicked this time.

    I would like to be at 177 by Halloween.... Even closer to my goal!

    My name is Jess and Im from Columbus, Oh... I plan on walking and jogging as my main source of exercise. My diary is open and I always add new friends. Thanks!
  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    Colleen! I think we have the exact same goal and are at the same spot! very cool! Anyways, my name is Stephanie and I am 5'6" and am currently 172. I'm wearing a size 10 right now and am hoping to be in my size 8 shorts by Thanksgiving. I'd love to lose 15 lbs by Halloween! I need to get a tape measure as I have NO idea what my measurements are!!! I also need to open my diary foreveryone. I just can't stand the judgementals out here. But whatever!
  • Focusing_on_Liz
    Hey ya'll I am Liz from South Louisiana! I joined because I love Halloween and I was hoping to lose at least a dress size before december and this is a great motivational way to lose it.

    I am 5'2.5" and weigh 140

    Feel free to add me as a friend also
  • frankensteen
    frankensteen Posts: 75 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm so excited about this! My name is Christine and I'm a 19-year-old student from Ontario, Canada. I'm 5'5'' and I weighed in this morning at 156.8 lbs. I started my journey around 170 lbs and my ultimate goal weight is around 130 lbs and FIT!

    I'd like to make it under the 150 lb mark by Halloween... still not sure what I'm dressing up as but Halloween parties are a big deal at my university, so I'm sure it'll be good!
  • Pooj_K
    Pooj_K Posts: 45 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Pooja and I live in Mass. I am 5' 1" and at 160 pounds which is unfortunately my highest till date :( . I hope to lose atleast 10 pounds by Halloween and I think with the motivation and support from you guys I will achieve it :)

    Feel free to add me and lets make this work! :)
  • Fitby31
    Fitby31 Posts: 106 Member
    Good Morning all,

    Halloween is like my favorite holiday, so I love this group!

    My name is Meagan, 30yrs old, I'll be turning 31 mid challenge. Live in SW FL w/ hubby, 2yr old, & dogs.

    I was 208 today, would LOVE to be 199 by Halloween.

    I'm doing Paleo & starting 30DS next week.. I would start now but we are going out of town for a wedding tomorrow & back on Sunday
  • jjoey8
    Thanks for setting this up, Colleen! I know I will be successful with the help of all of you :-) My name is Joey and I am 43 years old with 4 kids. My oldest is 17 and my youngest is 2, so they keep me busy! I sometimes struggle to get my workout in, but this challenge might be just the thing to keep me going!

    THANKS again! :happy:
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    Colleen! I think we have the exact same goal and are at the same spot! very cool! Anyways, my name is Stephanie and I am 5'6" and am currently 172. I'm wearing a size 10 right now and am hoping to be in my size 8 shorts by Thanksgiving. I'd love to lose 15 lbs by Halloween! I need to get a tape measure as I have NO idea what my measurements are!!! I also need to open my diary foreveryone. I just can't stand the judgementals out here. But whatever!

    YAY! a Twin! But dont worry no one is judging here, we all started this new life with my fitness pal for the same reasons to get healthier and feel better. :)
  • hollyrunner
    hollyrunner Posts: 31 Member
    Hi there!! My name is Holly, AKA hollyrunner; because I run and because I'm always running. I love a challenge!! This is the first group I've joined....hope I do it right :) I recently had my 265 day of logging MFP and at that point I had lost 8 pounds, 5 inches from my waist and 6 inches from my hips. The scale hasn't moved much for me but the inches lost have kept me motivated to keep going strong. My goal during the challenge would be to lose 10 pounds and another inch from the waist and the hips.

    Currently my closely guarded secret - 159 pounds
    Goal - 149

    Current Waist - 30.5
    Goal - 29.5

    Current Hips - 36.0
    Goal - 35.0
  • _Dara_
    Good Morning Everyone!! My name is Dara. I am 39yo and am in Oklahoma City. I am 5'3" and weighed in this morning at 126. I would like to drop down to about 115, but my main goal is to lean out.

    I started following the Fighter Diet program a week ago......which I am loving so far...... and am working out 6 days/week. (3 days weight lifting / 3 days cardio).

    Last week & this week my weight lifting days have been full body workouts. Next week I will do splits. My cardio has consisted of mostly running lately. I have done a few races over the summer and plan on at least one more in October. I also like to throw in a little swimming and biking to change things up a bit.

    Good luck to everyone and lets rock this!!!!......and feel free to add me. :-)
  • vqnerdballs
    Hi, I'm Victoria! I live in Manhattan and I don't have a whole lot to lose, only 10 lb or so - I'd like to be down to at least 125 before Halloween, but I'm also going to New York Comic con as well, so I want to get as fit as I can before that? I'm planning on doing vinyasa yoga about three times a week and I'm going to try to get back on the Couch to 5k as well (I wasn't wearing the right shoes so my ankles started to hurt after two weeks and I had to stop running to heal up). Let's see if it helps!
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    Oh, Haaiiiiiiiiii!!! :happy:

    I'm Rebecca. I am 29, 5'10, 218 pounds, and still have about 55-60 pounds left to lose. I started at 286, so I am a little over halfway through my journey... I have been stuck in a plateau for a few months now. I keep losing and gaining the same 5 pounds over and over again.

    I LOVE Halloween, and my "hubby" (we're not married, yet... it's just easier to call him hubby than give a 5 min explaination of our situation... LOL) and I go to a costume party every year - so this is pretty cool. What I am MORE excited about though, is that 17 days AFTER this challenge ends, I will be getting on a cruise ship with the hubby for my very first REAL vacation. Which means a bathing suit. YIKES!!!

    I started the 30DS (again) on Tuesday, and I have been doing the C25k program for a while. I am stuck on week 5 and can't seem to get past it. BUT I run my first ever 5K on Oct 6th...

    I would like to be under 200 pounds (for the first time in 7 years) by the time I set foot on that ship. That means trying to lose 2lbs per week, which is a stretch. That also means a goal weight of 206 by Halloween. 12 pounds in a little over a month. :noway:

    Good luck ladies! If you friend request me, just make sure to mention this group, so I know where you're from! :happy:
  • AmelodyAngel
    AmelodyAngel Posts: 152 Member
    Hello loves! My name is Angel and I am sooo excited to get HOT by Halloween with you all! It has been a long time goal for me to be hot for Halloween for a couple of years now and I am determined that this will be the year :) I am currently at 175 and would love to at least be in the 160;s by Halloween 150;s if possible... LOL I am 25. I have been doing 30 Day Shred, but Level 2 has been killing my knees so I am trying to revamp and figure out how to get through this because it does work :)
  • Papayamaya5
    Papayamaya5 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone - i'm 5'6 and I lost 20 lbs so far and have 12-15 more to go and I'll finally be 125lbs!

    i spin 4x a week and do zumba/dance it out 2x a week but I need to kick it up a notch and train harder! especially start lifting again because that kept me super lean before! also I'm vegan and mostly gluten free!

    feel free to add me - let's stay motivated gals xo
  • MD1978
    MD1978 Posts: 477 Member

    I'm Melissa from Northern NV,

    My current weight is 230 and am currently doing the C25K program (starting week 3 on my next workout).

    I haven't dressed up for halloween in years! So this will be fun....Just have to come up with a costume ;)
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Hi Im Tia 5'6"
    MFP SW 212 (MAY '12)
    CW 189.5

    Challenge Goal: 177 (Halloween '12)

    UGW: 160
  • Jessihollie
    Jessihollie Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Jessi and I recently finished college and I'm ready to finally lose those college pounds! I just joined MFP last week so I'm at the very beginning of my fit journey. I am 5'5 and my start weight was 214.5 and at my last weigh in I was 212! I guess its off to a good start. I want to be Hot by Halloween but my main goal is to lose at least 25lbs by New Years! I'm going to Vegas for the first time. Ultimate goal is to be in the 130s.

    I plan on going to my weekly Belly Dancing Class, Elliptical, Biking and a weight loss yoga video.

    Feel free to add me!
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    Hey Ladies,
    I'm Lauren. I'm 29 and live in Oregon. I'm 5'7" and weighed in at 137 this morning and a size 8. I would love to be around 130 by Halloween. Maybe a steady 132ish, lol. My UGW is around 125ish.
    I run about 3x a week, am currently doing the Butt Bible program (stupid name, I know!) which I really enjoy, and am an avid [hula] hoop dancer.
    I LOVE Halloween and am excited for this challenge, getting to know you all and seeing our amazing results!

    Good luck to all and feel free to add me!
  • deadbambi
    Hi everyone! :)
    My name is Bambi, I'm 19 and I live in Vancouver! I'm 5'8" and I weigh 150 pounds currently. I'm looking to be 145 by halloween, and 138 is my goal weight :)

    I've already picked out my costume, I'm going to be Jessica Rabbit for halloween and my boyfriend is going as the detective, so I'm SUPER excited, and can't wait to order my costume ;)

    I do circuit training with my friend 3x a week and Zumba on mondays & fridays! :)
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    Hey everyone!! I'm Kari =]... I'm from a small town in South Mississippi. I know MS gets a bad rap but I love it!! Anyways, I'm a single mom to two boys Gavin who's 4 and Ethyn who's 2. I'm a preschool teacher... I love it but I'm looking for a job actually using my bachelor's degree. I started my journey March 2011 and lost 50 lbs within 3 months. My weightloss slowed down due to lots of stressful events occurring but I've been back at it for 3 wks and I love it!! I'm down a total of 78 lbs so yay. I have about 60 more lbs to my UGW.


    I wanna be down to 205 or less if it's possible by Halloween!

    Feel free to add me! =]