Hot By Halloween Week 1 :READ/LOG:



  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    Hi groupies!

    Been doing the MFP thing for almost a year now. Starting weight was about 194/196.
    Current Stats:
    Height: 5'2"
    Weight: 120
    BF: 21%
    My goal for Halloween is just to flatten my stomach a little more. I have a goal weight of 115 but I'm more concerned with the way my body looks than the weight so not really obsessing over that anymore. My ultimate ultimate goal is body fat of 17%
    Feel free to add me :):)
  • kbuelo
    kbuelo Posts: 44 Member
    Hi everyone!

    And thanks for putting this together, Colleen!

    My name is Kellie.

    I'm 29.
    I'm 5'5".
    CW: 138.
    Halloween GW: 132.
    UGW: 125.

    I'm already planning my annual Halloween bash - LOVE this holiday. And I'm super stoked for the extra support/motivation.

    My workout plan is currently:

    Mon: Zumba
    Tues: Ashtanga yoga
    Wed: Zumba
    Thur: Turbo Kick or Ashtanga yoga
    Sat: Turbo Kick or run/cross train

    (I'm a cardio class and yoga junkie.. I am also going to try to start weight lifting twice a week).

    Good luck to everyone!!!
  • Herro everyone! I'm Julie!

    CW: 170lbs.
    Halloween GW: 160lbs
    UGW: 120lbs

    Mon: GYM mix
    Tues: Gym mix
    Wed: Gym mix
    Thur: Gym mix
    Friday : Gym mix
    Sat: Zumba /30 day shred
    Sunday: Zumba/30 day shred

    Let's do this!!! :)
  • Hey y'all! I am Brittany and also from Mississppi but in the northern part of the state! I have been on MFP for almost 3 years now. I usually stay in between 10 pounds or so of losing then gaining. I am ready to lose and not gain anymore! I need to take my measurements when I get home. My current weight is 170. Tomorrow is my weigh in day so hopefully it will go down!! I would like to be down to 162. that is the lowest I have ever been since my 3 year weight loss journey. I started at 188 btw.

    Halloween GW: 162
    UGW: 145

    I am also training for my first 10k in December. SO my plan is to run 3x a week following the training guide and then I need to start focusing more on strength again. SO 30 DS on 3 days and then maybe bootcamp once a week from my gym.
  • Hey, I'm Peter from the cold state of Alaska. I've been on myfitnesspal for 1 year and have lost around 18lbs (it was 23lbs, but then a summer job started and I stopped using it for 2 months). I am 5'10" tall and weight 160lbs. My goal weight for my cycling and running is between 150-155lbs. I hope I can lose these last 5lbs before halloween.

    Running: 2-5miles five days a week
    Strength: 5 days a week

    I wish you all luck!
  • Hello everyone!! My name is Crystal. I'm excited about this challenge, i was already in the mindset, my birthday is Oct. 30 so i want to try and lose another 10 lbs before then, but realistically if i lose 1 lb a week i'm cool with that. My hubby's b-day is Oct. 29, and my daughters is Oct 21. So we always have a Halloween party, (except last year, i was pregnant) and i'm really looking forward to dressing up with the kids and going trick-or-treating!!

    SW: 167
    CW: 155
    Halloween Goal: 150
    UGW: 130
    I am currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 DS, Ripped in 30, and Kick-box Fast-fix (alternating)

    Good luck to every one! Happy Losing!!
  • mgnmsn
    mgnmsn Posts: 133 Member
    Hello! My name is Megan and I love Halloween! My friends and I are having a party the Friday before and I cannot decide what to go as. A little background on me.

    SW: 244
    CW: 218
    GW: 140 (or whenever I am satisfied really)

    I run almost everyday. I started doing the c25k program and just finished it! EEK! I guess in 6 weeks I would like to lose 8 pounds to get me to 210. :)
  • ambarr82
    ambarr82 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Amanda. I live in Oklahoma. I have been slacking lately.UGH!! I hoping to get my butt back in gear thanks to this challenge. My workout of choice is walking/jogging. I will also be weight lifting a couple days a week. Going hiking on Saturday!! I have recently started doing local 5K runs and in October I am doing a 15K. I would love to lose 15 pounds by Halloween/Tulsa Run!!!

    CW 250.4

    Goal for this challenge - 235

    UGW 150-160

    Good luck to everyone!!
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member

    Its taken everything in me right now NOT to grab chips and pop in a movie! lol hope everyone has had as much as a motivational day as me you all ROCK JUST REMEMBER THAT!
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    Got a double workout in today!! I don't even know when the last time I did that was I never have time but I kept pushing for you all :)
  • Got in a 3 mile run at the lake this &windy.
  • Got a double workout in today!! I don't even know when the last time I did that was I never have time but I kept pushing for you all :)

    Nice job!
  • allnaday
    allnaday Posts: 54 Member
    Hey all. Susan here.........excited about the challenge.......weight this am was 187so that means i need to be 172 by Halloween.......i look forward to getting to know you guys.
  • allnaday
    allnaday Posts: 54 Member
    Working on my measurements this weekend and will post
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
  • hollyrunner
    hollyrunner Posts: 31 Member
    I'm running a 5K in Indianapolis in 9's to support my cousin, she has Ovarian Cancer. Running for a cure!! :bigsmile:

    So I'm in training mode, run, run, and more running.
  • rlf58
    rlf58 Posts: 47 Member
    Hey y'all! My name is Rachel. I'm from south Mississippi. 5'6" and start weight for this challenge is 144.4 pounds. I don't have a particular weight loss goal for this challenge, but I do have a fitness goal. I'm training to run a 10k in December, and currently can run about 3 miles. In the next 6 weeks, I'd like to be able to comfortably run about 5 miles straight. I plan on running at least 3 times a week and I take dance classes 2-3 days a week also. Good luck to everyone! Feel free to add me! I could use the support and motivation! I'll post my measurements asap!
  • MD1978
    MD1978 Posts: 477 Member
    Just checking in, i'm on my rest day today. Off for a jog/walk in the morning. I did stay under my calorie goal.
  • I joined this group because I got two MFP's that are know who you are!!! I love this challenge! My starting weight was 140, I've struggled with losing 5 pounds then gaining 3 then losing 5 then gaining 7 etc, etc, etc. I am currently 5'8" at 138lbs. I would love to get down to 130lb, but it would make me happier if my waist line got tighter and my legs and arms got stronger, even if that means I don't get to 130lb due to muscle mass. So I'm gonna go in this challenge with my weight, but more so by photo. I will post a photo of my abs in their current state and hope that by Halloween, I am showing some sort of definition. Now I just need y'all to pray that my neck injury hurries itself up into full recovery so I can get back to working out!!!! Good luck everyone and great work!
  • Helloooooo!!!! My name is Rhiannon and Im 26 years old. I live in STL :)

    I was on MFP from March till late July and lost 28 lbs. Im back and ready to drop my last 10 to be HOT by Halloween!!

    GW-140 (probably will change when I get there)

    My main forms of excerise are golf, disc golf, and mountain biking. Throwin some pilates vids in there as well.