Needing New Motivation

I've done insanity before, so I know if works, and it works WELL. I've been sick for the last 2 weeks and now just starting to feel much better, but having a heck of a time getting up when that alarm goes off to do my work out. I'm still losing with my diet. My mother will be home to visit in 7 weeks, and I would really like to have at the very least 10 lbs off by then. The last time she was home, I was 4 months pregnant, and the last time before that, was at my wedding, which was 25 lbs ago!!!! I won't get into why I want to be thinner when my mother sees me, but I will just say, my life will be a lot less stressful! My goal is to get up tomorrow, and actually start the sports training workout for the week and then go right back into phase 2 and do that for the entire 7 weeks.
