Need some advice

Ok, so I just finished Stage 5 of New Rules this morning (which took forever cause I had to miss a day here and there for various things) And next Thursday, I'm getting a root canal. I normally work out M, W, F every week.

I'm going on vacation at the end of October, and I was set up perfectly to complete the entire program, including Stage 6, right before we left. Because of having to miss workouts, I know only have 12 workout days left between now and when we leave (changing my days is not an option, I waitress Sat/Sun and those are always my days off from lifting)

So, my question is, should I do stage 6 then wait to do 7 til I get home? Or should I do 2 rounds of Stage 7, then just go back and do Stage 6 after vacation? What would you do?